Keyboard shortcuts to change text and paragraph properties in a document
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when you are creating or editing a Mail memo or a document. You must be in Edit mode to use these shortcuts. Press CTRL+E to put your document in Edit mode.

To do this
Bold selected text
Put document in either Read or Edit mode
Find text and replace
Find next word when "Find text and replace" starts
Italicize selected text
Format paragraphs (alignment, spacing, etc.)
Format text (font, size, color, etc.)
Show/Hide ruler
Change text style to default (color changes only if the text style was applied using a Paragraph Style)
Underline selected text
Undo last action
Enlarge selected text to next available point size
Indent first line in paragraph
Indent entire paragraph
Refresh current document (in Edit mode), view, or workspace
Cycle through paragraph styles (defined in the Paragraph Styles tab in Text Properties)
Insert page break
Reduce selected text to next available point size
Outdent first line in a paragraph
Outdent entire paragraph

Commonly used keyboard shortcuts for Mail and Calendar
The following table is a quick reference guide for some commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Mail and Calendar. Remember that mail memos are Notes documents and the Calendar is a view, so for a more extensive list of shortcuts you can use in Mail and Calendar, refer to the keyboard shortcut tables for documents or views.

Note In any form, view, page, or document there could be several embedded elements (the date picker in the Calendar is an example of an embedded element). You can navigate to an embedded element, give focus within the embedded element, and then remove the focus to continue navigating through the form, view, page, or document. When focus is in an embedded element, the thin black frame around it disappears. When focus is removed from an embedded element, the thin black frame reappears.

Press To do this
ALT+DOWN ARROW Open date picker, time picker, and time zone picker in new Calendar entry form
ALT+UP ARROW Close date picker, time picker, and time zone picker in new Calendar entry form and save new selection
ARROW KEYS Move through embedded date picker
CTRL+click Calendar view time slot Create a new Cal entry and enter the Subject at the view level (ESC saves entry)
CTRL+click existing Calendar entry Edit Subject at the view level (ESC saves entry)
CTRL+E Edit document
CTRL+M Create new mail memo
CTRL+PAGE DOWN Move to next day, week, or month in Calendar view
CTRL+PAGE DOWN Move to selected month and day of following year in embedded date picker
CTRL+PAGE UP Move to previous day, week, or month in Calendar view
CTRL+PAGE UP Move to selected month and day of previous year in embedded date picker
CTRL+S Save current document
DELETE Mark mail memo for deletion (place mail memo in Trash); delete Calendar entry (permanently deletes entry)
ENTER Close date picker, time picker, and time zone picker and activate selection in new Calendar entry form and save new selection
ENTER Close document and open next document
ENTER Open selected document or view
ESC Close date picker, time picker, and time zone picker in new Calendar entry form without changing selection
ESC Exit embedded date picker
ESC or CTRL+W Close current document
F3 Move to next selected document
F4 or TAB Move to next unread document in a view

Note If you have enabled " Use Tab to navigate to Read-Only Documents" in User Preferences, only F4 moves to next unread document. TAB moves to next unread document until the last unread document is selected. Then it moves to the next navigable object in the next frame. When a document is open in read-mode, TAB navigates to any embedded object such as URLs, database links, and attachments.

F6 Move to next pane or frame
Focus cursor next to group name in To, CC, or BCC field, then press F9 Expand a Personal Address Book group in the To, CC, BCC field of a mail message (displays each member of the group)
F9 Refresh Mail or Calendar views
HOME Move to current day in embedded date picker
INSERT Toggle between read and unread mark of document
PAGE DOWN Move to next month in embedded date picker
PAGE UP Move to previous month in embedded date picker
SHIFT+BACKSPACE Select previous document in view
SHIFT+CTRL+C Display the Instant Messaging Contact List
SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER Send mail memo and open new mail memo in Edit mode
SHIFT+DELETE Delete mail memo (places memo in trash)
SHIFT+ESC Close and save current document (except for mail memo) without opening the Close dialog box
SHIFT+ESC Send and close mail memo
SHIFT+F3 Move to previous selected document
SHIFT+F4, or SHIFT+TAB Move to previous unread document
SHIFT+F6 Move to previous pane or frame
SPACEBAR Give focus to embedded date picker

Keyboard shortcuts to select and move text in a document
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when you are creating or editing a Mail memo or a document. You must be in Edit mode to use these shortcuts. Press CTRL+E to put your document in Edit mode.

Press To do this
ARROW KEYS Move cursor

Note If SCROLL LOCK key is on, scroll page

CTRL+A Select all contents of document
CTRL+C Copy selected text or object
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move item in list or table one row down
CTRL+UP ARROW Move item in list or table one row up
CTRL+V Paste text or object
CTRL+X Cut selected text or object
DELETE Delete selected graphic
DELETE Delete selected text or object
SHIFT+CTRL+DOWN ARROW Select text up to same point of next line
SHIFT+CTRL+LEFT ARROW Select previous word
SHIFT+CTRL+UP ARROW Select text up to same point of previous line
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW Select text to end of current line, move focus to next line
SHIFT+END Select text to end of current line
SHIFT+HOME Select text to beginning of current line
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select previous character
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select next character
SHIFT+UP ARROW Select text to beginning of current line, move focus to previous line