Table d'Hote - Technically 'table d'hôte' - a food menu which offers a full meal with set courses and limited choices at a fixed price, from French 'host's table'.
Tachograph - A device which is fitted to vehicles, especially commercial vehicles, which records the speed, distance and time travelled.
Tag - A word or words assigned to or associated with electronic data, usually on a website, to aid searching, finding, analysis, display, organization, etc., of the data. Used as a verb also, for example, to tag or tagging articles, content, etc., when posted onto a website.
Tag Line - A memorable slogan or catch phrase used in advertising.
Tailor-Made - Adapted or made for a particular purpose or individual.
Take-Home Pay - The amount of money received by an employee after deductions, such as tax, insurance, etc.
Takeover - The purchase of one company by another.
Takeover Bid - A bid made by an organisation or individual to acquire a company, usually by offering to purchase the shares of the company's shareholders.
Takeover Panel - A panel set up in certain countries to ensure that all company takeovers comply with laws and regulations, and that all shareholders are treated equally and fairly.
Tangible Asset - Physical assets, such as machinery, buildings, vehicles, cash, etc., which are owned by a company or individual.
Tare - The weight of packaging used in wrapping and protecting goods which is deducted from the total weight of a product in order to ascertain the actual weight of the goods. The deduction in weight of a vehicle used to transport goods in order to determine the actual weight of the goods.
Target Audience - The specific group of people that an advertisement, product, TV program, etc., is aimed at.
Target Company - A company that another company or organisation wants to acquire.
Target Market - A specific group of people with similar characteristics, needs, lifestyle, etc., at which a company markets its products or services.
Tariff - A government tax on imported and exported goods.
Task Force - A group of people formed to work on a particular project or assignment.
Tax - A fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate income, products, services, etc., in order to raise revenue to pay for public services.
Tax Abatement - Also known as a Tax Holiday. An exemption or reduction of taxes by a government for certain companies for a specific period of time, often as an incentive for industrial development.
Tax Allowance - The amount of income that can be earned or received in one year before tax has to be paid.
Tax Avoidance - Legal ways of paying the minimum amount of tax possible by making use of allowances and exemptions.
Tax Bracket - Based on income levels, the higher the income the higher the tax bracket, therefore people earning more money have to pay a higher rate of tax on the part of their income which is below the lower tax bracket allowance.
Tax Evasion - Illegally avoidng paying tax, usually by making a false declaration of income.
Tax Exile - A person or business who chooses to leave a country to reside or operate in another country, usually called a Tax Haven, where taxes are much lower or there aren't any.
Tax Lien - The right of a tax authority to claim assets belonging to a company or individual who default on tax payments.
T-Commerce - Television Commerce. The purchasing and selling of products and services using interactive television.
Team Player - A person in any type of profession who works well as a member of a team.
Teaser Ad - A brief advertisement which reveals only a little bit of information about a product, usually not yet available, in order to arouse widespread interest.
Teaser Rate - A low rate of interest, for example on a mortgage, loan, credit card, etc., which is below the going market rate and available for only a short period of time in order to attract borrowers.
Techie - A person who is very knowledgable, or an expert, in technology, especially computing.
Technical Analyst - A stock market analyst who uses charts and computer programs to study investments in order to predict the future of share prices, etc.
Technical Support - A service provided by the vendor of technology products, such as computers, mobile phones, televisions, etc., which the purchaser can use if they need help using the product.
Telecommunications - Known informally as Telecoms. Communicating over long distances by telephone, e-mail, etc.
Teleconference - A conference involving two or more people at different locations, using telecommunications equipment, such as computers, video, telephone, etc.
Telemarketing - Also known as Telesales. The selling of goods or services by contacting potential customers by telephone.
Teleworking - An arrangement in which the employee works at home and contacts their office or workplace by telephone or computer.
Tenant - An individual or business who pays a fee for the use of land, property, etc., to the owner. An occupant.
Tenant At Will - A tenant who continues to rent land, property, etc., past the expiration of the lease. Also a tenant who rents property without a written lease, therefore they can be forced to leave without notice from the owner.
Tender Offer - An offer, usually above the market price, made to the shareholders of a company by another company or individual as part of a takeover bid.
Term Assurance - A form of life insurance which pays out a lump sum if the policyholder dies within a fixed period of time.
Terms Of Reference - A document which describes the objectives, scope and purpose of a project, committee, meeting, etc. See 'agree specification/terms of reference' in the project management section. Separately the acronym BOSCARDET provides a useful example structure for TOR headings/sections: Background, Objectives, Scope, Constraints, Assumptions, Reporting, Dependencies, Estimates, Timescales. Note that this particular structure has no specific heading for costs/budgets, and so care must be taken to include these considerations, logically within ''Constraints' or 'Estimates'. There is no standard universal structure for a Terms of Reference document because the situations vary widely in which TOR are used. Responsibility lies with the project manager or leader to ensure all relevant and necessary issues are included in TOR. Local interpretation often produces TOR headings and document structure which may be unique to the particular situation. Where an organization oversees many projects/activities requiring Terms of Reference documents it is likely that organizational 'standard' TOR formats are used. Obviously it makes sense to follow such standards where they apply, mindful of the risks of omission, over-complexity, or unnecessary work, which can arise from routinely applying a standard structure.
Terrestrial - Term used to describe broadcasting systems, such as television, which operate on land, rather than from a satellite.
Tertiary Industry - Third sector of a country's economy which covers the provision of services, such as transport, schools, financial services, etc., rather than manufacturing or production.
Test Case - Term used to describe a court case which establishes legal rights and serves as a precedent for future similar cases.
Test Market - In marketing, a product or service which is tested in a particular area of the country before it is launched nationally.
Text Message - A written message sent from one mobile phone to another.
Text-To-Speech - Describes the converting of text into audible speech on a computer by using speech synthesis techniques.
Theory Of Constraints - Theory originally developed by Dr Eliyahu Goldratt, which states that every organisation must have at least one constraint that should be overcome by recognising and dealing with the cause of the 'bottleneck', thus enabling the company to achieve its goals.
Theory X - Developed by Douglas McGregor in the 1960s, a theory which states that most people in the workplace do not enjoy work and will take every opportunity to avoid doing their job because they are lazy and need to be closely supervised, threatened and disciplined by management.
Theory Y - Developed by Douglas McGregor. The opposite to Theory X, a method of managing people in the workplace based on the idea that most workers enjoy their job, are self-motivated and want responsibility, and the managers role is to help the workers realise their full potential by giving them more responsibility, including them in decision-making, etc.
Theory Z - A Japanese management style based on the theory, developed by William Ouchi, that workers like to build relationships with other workers and management, to feel secure in their jobs, develop skills through training, and have their family life and traditions valued.
Think Tank - A group or organisation which researches and advises on issues relating to technology, economy, politics and social strategy.
Third-Generation - 3G. Describes wireless technology which has been developed to send messages and data over networks using mobile phones, computers, etc.
Third Line Forcing - A situation which occurs when a supplier will only sell a product or service to a customer on condition that it is purchased from a third party nominated by the supplier.
Third Party - A person or organisation not principally involved with the other two parties but who has an interest in an agreement or contract. In an insurance policy, the third party is the person whose car, etc is damaged by you in an accident.
Third Sector - Part of a country's economy which is non-profitmaking, such as voluntary work, charities, etc.
Third World - Refers to poor, underdeveloped nations in South Africa, Asia and South America.
Thrift - In the US, a savings or loan association. The practice of not spending too much money or using up too many resources.
Ticker Symbol - In the US, a set of characters, usually letters, used to identify a particular share on the Stock Exchange.
Tied Agent - A sales agent or business who represents or sells and/or offers advice only on one company's products, such as insurance.
Time and a Half - Rate of pay which is 50% more than the regular rate, usually for overtime work.
Time and Motion Study - The study and analysis of a specific job within an organisation, the results of which are used to improve efficiency and production.
Timeshare - A lease on a (usually holiday) property jointly owned by several people who have the right to use it during agreed times of the year, usually for one or two weeks. The industry is often associated with high-pressure or unethical selling methods.
Title Deed - A legal document which proves a person's rights of ownership of property or land.
Tokenism - The practice of doing the minimum required, especially by law, by making small token gestures, such as employing or including a single person who represents a minority or ethnic group.
Toolbar - On a computer screen, a set of icons or symbols, usually under the menu bar, which allow you to perform different tasks on your computer, such as print documents, change font size, use a paintbrush , etc.
Top Brass - The most important people in a company or organisation.
Top Dog - The person who has the highest authority and is in charge of a whole operation, business, etc.
Top Dollar - The very highest price paid for a product, service, worker, etc.
Top-Heavy - Describes a company or business which has too many managers and/or administrators in comparison to the number of workers.
Top-Level Domain - TLD. The last part of a domain address on the Internet, for example .com (commerce), .gov (government), etc.
Tort - A wrongful act, other than a breach of contract, which is not criminal but harmful to another person, against which legal action for damages may be taken.
Total Costs - In business, the costs of manufacturing, overheads, administration, etc. - i.e., the sum of fixed costs and variable costs. In investments, the price paid for a share, security, etc., plus brokerage fees, taxes, interest due to the seller, etc.
Total Quality Management - TQM. A company management system which seeks to improve the quality of products and services and to improve customer satisfaction by giving everyone in the organisation the responsibility of achieving and keeping high standards.
Touch Base - To make contact, usually managers who want to communicate with their staff.
Trade - The buying and selling or exchange of goods and services. The buying and selling of shares on the Stock Market. A skilled occupation such as builder, carpenter, plumber, electrician, etc.
Trade Agreement - An agreement, usually between countries, to limit or change their policies when trading with one another.
Trade Descriptions Act - In the UK, a 1968 Act of Parliament which prevents misrepresentation of goods and services to customers by manufacturers, retailers or service providers.
Trademark - TM. A symbol, logo, word or phrase which is used exclusively by a company, individual, etc., so their products or services can be easily identified, A Trademark cannot legally be used by anyone else.
Trade Secret - A secret device or formula used by a company in the manufacturing of a product which gives it an advantage over the competition.
Trade War - A conflict between countries in which each country puts up trade barriers in order to restrict or damage the others trade.
Trading Floor - An area of a Stock Exchange where dealers trade in stocks, shares, etc.
Trailblazer - An innovator or pioneer. An individual or company who is the first to do or discover something, and leads where others follow.
Tranche - Describes part of a loan, investment, etc., which is a portion of the whole amount.
Transfer Deed - Also called Deed Of Transfer. A legal document which shows that the ownership of property, land, etc., has been changed from its legal owner to another party who now legally owns it.
Transnational - Multinational. Refers to businesses, organisations, etc., which operate in or between several countries.
Treasurer - A person in a company, organisation, club, etc., who is responsible for the management of funds and accounts.
Treasury Bond - In the US, a long term security issued by the government which pays regular interest.
Trial Offer - A temporary offer by a company usually aimed at first-time buyers in which a customer can try a product or service free or at discounted rates for a short period of time.
Troubleshoot - To identify and solve problems which arise in the workplace.
Trustafarian - A wealthy young person, who gives the appearance of being unemployed and living a bohemian lifestyle in less than comfortable circumstances, but who is living off a trust fund.
Trustbuster - A government agent whose job is to break up monopolies or corporate trusts under the anti-trust laws.
Trustee - An individual or organisation who is legally responsible for managing the financial affairs or another person or company.
Trust Fund - Property or funds which are legally held in control of a trustee on behalf of an individual or organisation.
Truth In Lending Act - In the US, a law which protects consumers by requiring companies which offer loans, credit and charge cards, etc., to disclose full information regarding terms and interest rates.
Turd Polishing - Australian equivalent of not being able to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear. An engineering term for fixing the defects in a product, process, system, etc., then repeating as new defects appear, rather than re-engineering it with fewer defects.
Turntablist - A person who uses vinyl records, a turntable of a record player and a DJ mixer all together as an instrument to create sounds.
Tycoon - A wealthy, prominent, successful business person, also referred to as a mogul, magnate, baron ,etc.
Tyre Kicker - A person who appears to be interested in purchasing an item, especially a secondhand car, but has no intention of buying it.