1. Which of the following types of natural hazards have the highest potential to cause damage to humans?

(A) Earth quakes                     (B) Forest fires

(C) Volcanic eruptions                       (D) Droughts and Floods

Answer: D

  1. The percentage share of renewable energy sources in the power production in India is around

(A) 2-3 %           (B) 22-25%

(C) l0-12%         (D) <1%

Answer: C

  1. In which of the following categories the enrollment of students in higher in 2010-11 was beyond the percentage of seats reserved?

(A) OBC students        (B) SC students

(C) ST students            (D) Woman students

Answer: A

  1. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the University Grants Commission (UGC)?

(A) It was established in 1956 by an Act of Parliament.

(B) It is tasked with promoting and coordinating higher education.

(C) It receives Plan and Non-Plan funds from the Central Government.

(D) It receives funds from State Governments in respect of State Universities

Answer: D

  1. Consider the statement which is followed by two arguments (I) and (II):

Statement: Should India switch over to a two party system?

Arguments: (I) Yes, it will lead to stability of Government.

      (II) No, it will limit the choice of voters.

(A) Only argument (I) is strong.

(B) Only argument (II) is strong;

(C) Both the arguments are strong.

(D) Neither of the arguments is strong.

Answer: C

  1. Consider the statement which is followed by two arguments (I) and (II):

Statement: Should persons with criminal background be banned from contesting elections?

Arguments: (I) Yes, it will decriminalize politics.

(II) No, it will encourage the ruling party to file frivolous cases against their political opponents.

(A) Only argument (I) is strong.

(B) Only argument (II) is strong.

(C) Both the arguments are strong.

(D) Neither of the arguments is strong.

Answer: A

  1. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about a Judge of the Supreme Court of India?
  2. A Judge of the Supreme Court is appointed by the President of India.
  3. He holds office during the pleasure of the President.
  4. He can be suspended, pending an inquiry.
  5. He can be removed for proven misbehavior or incapacity.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:


(A) 1, 2 and 3    (B) 1, 3 and 4

(C) 1 and 3        (D) 1 and 4

Answer: D

  1. In the warrant of precedence, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha comes next only to

(A) The President                    (B) The Vice-President

(C) The Prime Minister           (D) The Cabinet Ministers

Answer: C

  1. The black-board can be utilized best by a teacher for

(A) Putting the matter of teaching in black and white

(B) Making the students attentive

(C) Writing the important and notable points

(D) Highlighting the teacher himself

Answer: C

  1. Nowadays the most effective mode of learning is

(A) Self study               (B) Face-to-face learning

(C) e-Learning             (D) Blended learning

Answer: C & D