- Consider the following statements with respect to network security:
(a) Message confidentiality means that the sender and the receiver expect privacy.
(b) Message integrity means that the data must arrive at the receiver exactly as they
were sent.
(c) Message authentication means the receiver is ensured that the message is coming
from the intended sender.
Which of the statements is (are) correct?
(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (a) and (c)
(3) Only (b) and (c) (4) (a), (b) and (c)
Answer: 4
- Consider the following statements:
(a) Windows Azure is a cloud-based operating system.
(b) Google App Engine is an integrated set of online services for consumers to
communicate and share with others.
(c) Amazon Cloud Front is a web service for content delivery.
Which of the statements is (are) correct?
(1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only (a) and (c)
(3) Only (b) and (c) (4) (a), (b) and (c)
Answer: 2
- Two concurrent executing transactions T1 and T2 are allowed to update same stock item say ‘A’ in an uncontrolled manner. In such a scenario, following problems may occur:
(a) Dirty read problem (b) Lost update problem
(c) Transaction failure (d) Inconsistent database state
Which of the following option is correct if database system has no concurrency module and allow concurrent execution of above two transactions?
(1) (a), (b) and (c) only (2) (c) and (d) only
(3) (a) and (b) only (4) (a), (b) and (d) only
Answer: 4
- Consider the following learning algorithms:
(a) Logistic repression (b) Back propagation (c) Linear repression
Which of the following option represents classification algorithms?
(1) (a) and (b) only (2) (a) and (c) only
(3) (b) and (c) only (4) (a), (b) and (c)
Answer: Marks to all
- Consider the following grammar:
Which language does this grammar generate?
(1) L((00) * 0+(11)*1) (2) L(0(11)* + 1(00)*)
(3) L((00)*0) (4) L(0(11) *1)
Answer: 3
- The weight of minimum spanning tree in graph G, calculated using Kruskal’s algorithm is:
(1) 14 (2) 15 (3) 17 (4) 18
Answer: 2
- The reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) characteristics are:
(a) Single cycle instruction execution
(b) Variable length instruction formats
(c) Instructions that manipulates operands in memory
(d) Efficient instruction pipeline
Choose the correct characteristics from the options given below:
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c)
(3) (a) and (d) (4) (c) and (d)
Answer: 3
- Let the population of chromosomes in genetic algorithm is represented in terms of binary number. The strength of fitness of a chromosome in decimal form, x, is given by
The population is given by P where:
P = {(01101), (11000), (01000), (10011)}
The strength of fitness of chromosome (11000) is ……………..
(1) 24 (2) 576 (3) 14.4 (4) 49.2
Answer: 4
- Consider the following statements:
(a) The running time of dynamic programming algorithm is always θ(ρ) where ρ is
number of subproblems.
(b) When a recurrence relation has cyclic dependency, it is impossible to use that
recurrence relation (unmodified) in a correct dynamic program.
(c) For a dynamic programming algorithm, computing all values in a bottom-up fashion
is asymptotically faster than using recursion and memorization.
(d) If a problem X can be reduced to a known NP-hard problem, then X must be NP-
Which of the statement(s) is (are) true?
(1) Only (b) and (a) (2) Only (b)
(3) Only (b) and (c) (4) Only (b) and (d)
Answer: 2
- Which of the following are legal statements in C programming language?
(a) int *P = &44;
(b) int *P = &r;
(c) int P = &a;
(d) int P = a:
Choose the correct option:
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c)
(3) (b) and (d) (4) (a) and (d)
Answer: 3
- Let P be the set of all people. Let R be a binary relation on P such that (a, b) is in R if a is a brother of b. Is R symmetric transitive, an equivalence relation, a partial order relation?
Answer: 3
- Which of the following algorithms is not used for line clipping?
(1) Cohen-Sutherland algorithm (2) Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm
(3) Liang-barsky algorithm (4) Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl algorithm
Answer: 2
- The following multithreaded algorithm computes transpose of a matrix in parallel:
p Trans (X, Y, N)
if N = 1
then Y[1, 1] ← X[1, 1]
else partition X into four (N/2) × (N/2) submatrices X11, X12, X21, X22
partition Y into four (N/2) × (N/2) submatrices Y11, Y12, Y21, Y22
spawn p Trans (X11, Y11, N/2)
spawn p Trans (X12, Y12, N/2)
spawn p Trans (X21, Y21, N/2)
spawn p Trans (X22, Y22, N/2)
What is the asymptotic parallelism of the algorithm?
(1) T1/T∞ or θ(N2 / lg N) (2) T1/T∞ or θ(N / lg N)
(3) T1/T∞ or θ(lg N / N2) (4) T1/T∞ or θ(lg N / N)
Answer: 1
- A non-pipelined system takes 30ns to process a task. The same task can be processed in a four-segment pipeline with a clock cycle of 10ns. Determine the speed up of the pipeline for 100 tasks.
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 3.91 (4) 2.91
Answer: 4
- Given CPU time slice of 2ms and following list of processes.
Process Burst time Arrival time
P1 3 0
P2 4 2
P3 5 5
Find average turnaround time and average waiting time using round robin CPU scheduling?
(1) 4, 0 (2) 5.66, 1.66
(3) 5.66, 0 (4) 7, 2
Answer: 2
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is used to execute architectural neutral byte code. Which of the following is needed by the JVM for execution of Java Code?
(1) Class loader only
(2) Class loader and Java Interpreter
(3) Class loader, Java Interpreter and API
(4) Java Interpreter only
Answer: 2
- In a system for a restaurant, the main scenario for placing order is given below:
(a) Customer reads menu
(b) Customer places order
(c) Order is sent to kitchen for preparation
(d) Ordered items are served
(e) Customer requests for a bill for the order
(f) Bill is prepared for this order
(g) Customer is given the bill
(h) Customer pays the bill
A sequence diagram for the scenario will have at least how many objects among whom the messages will be exchanged.
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6
Answer: 3
- The full form of ICANN is
(1) Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
(2) Internet Corporation for Assigned Numbers and Names
(3) Institute of Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
(4) Internet Connection for Assigned Names and Numbers
Answer: 1
- The Data Encryption Standard (DES) has a function consists of four steps. Which of the following is correct order of these four steps?
(1) an expansion permutation, S-boxes, an XOR operation, a straight permutation
(2) an expansion permutation, an XOR operation, S-boxes, a straight permutation
(3) a straight permutation, S-boxes, an XOR operation, an expansion permutation
(4) a straight permutation, an XOR operation, S-boxes, an expansion permutation
Answer: 2
- Given two tables R1(x, y) and R2(y, z) with 50 and 30 number of tuples respectively. Find maximum number of tuples in the output of natural join between tables R1 and R2 i.e. R1 * R2? (* - Natural Join)
(1) 30 (2) 20 (3) 50 (4) 1500
Answer: 4