For adding and removing featurs from windows 8/Windows 7 DVD/Source
Normally we are installing additional features from Wndows 7/Windows 8 will automatically download the files from internet and most of the time this has failed and we lost out bandwidth. For installing this featurs from our local computer or a specified repository please follow this steps.
Step -1
1. Open Group Policy Editor (Windows Key + R to open run and enter gpedit.msc press Ok)
2. Select "Computer Configuration"
3. Administrative Tools
4. System
5. In the right side -> Open Specify settings for optional component installtion and component repair -> right click select Edit
6. Select Enable
7. In the alternate sorces file path Enter your installation files path
(The pathe might be a network system address or a remote location etc.)
8. Click Ok to finish step-1.
1. Open right pane
2. Click settings and Open Control Panel
3. Open Programs and Features
4. Select required Features and click ok to load the files form location which is given by us and install the feature.