1.A document preparation software
2.A technique in which system resources are shared among multiple users:
(A) Multiplexing(ANS) (B) Demultiplexing (C) Modulation (D) Demodulation
3. Interaction modelling cannot be done using:
(A) State Diagrams (ANS) (B) Use - Cases
(C) Sequence Diagrams (D) Activity Diagrams
4.The number of bits that can be transmitted over a network in a certain period of time.
(A) Latency (B) Delay (C) Bandwidth (D) Baud (ANS)
Note : baud is right (bits / sec => bits/unit time,
bandwidth = range frequencies in a band
5. Which of these is not a mark up language?
Note:XGML. => no such language
6. A network topology that combines features of linear- bus and star topology :
(A) Mesh (B) Ring (C)Tree (ANS) (D) Cube
7.If language L={O,l}*, then the reversed language L^ R =
(A) {O, 1}* (ANS) (B) {} (C) {O}* (D) {1}*
{0,1}* as it can give 01011 and also 11010
8.In Linux, the subdirectory that contains system configuration files including user
(A) /boot (B) /usr (C) /etc (ANS) (D) /proc
9.SQL command to delete a column from an existing table:
(A) Alter-table (ANS) (B) Drop-table (C) Delete-table (D) Delete-column
10.A technique not associated with data mining:
(A) Predictive Modeling (B) Link Analysis
(C) Database Segmentation (ANS) (D) Dimensionality Modeling
Note : Database segmentation. IT cannot be dimensioanlity modelling as it is connected with data mining and data warehousing. Dimensional Modeling refers to the technique used to design logical models for database which can support OLAP and Data Warehousing
11. Memory bank experiencing too much contention from processor:
(A) Fan -in (B) Hot-spot (C) Thrash (ANS) (D) Fan-out
thrashing => excessive hitting with no progress
12.The number of nodes in a complete binary tree of height n :
(A) 2^(n-1)_1 (B) 2^(n-1)+1 (C) 2^(n+1)-1 (ANS) (D) 2^(n+1) +1
13.The science and art of breaking ciphers.
(A) Cryptography (B) Steganography (C) Cryptanalysis (ANS) (D) Steganalyis
14. A raster scan display system with 24 bits per pixel and a screen resolution of 1024xl024 requires a frame buffer of size.
(A) 1 Mega Bytes (B) 3 Mega Bytes (C) 8 Mega Bytes (D) 24 Mega Bytes (ANS)
Note : 24 megabyes => 1024x1024 => that much number of pixels and each pixel takes 24 bits => 1024x1024x24 = total number of bits => divided by 1024 = kbs again divided by 1024 = mbs => answer is 24. its not 3 .
15.Not a parallel programming language.
(A) C• (B) SEQUENT C (ANS) (C) nCube C (D) C+ +
16. Process of mapping a network interface IP address to its hardware address:
ARP => IP to MAC
17. For the following sample database table staff :
Staff no Name Designa tion Branch Salary
SL21 John Assistant B003 30000
SG37 Ann Supervisor B007 42000
SL25 Julie Assistant B007 32000
SL52 Susan Manager BQ03 51000
SG10 David Manager B004 47000
the SQL query : SELECT COUNT (Staff no) AS mycount, SUM (Salary) AS mysum
FROM Staff WHERE Designation = 'Manager' returns the result
(A) mycount = 2, mysal = 47000
(B) mycouht = 2, mysal = 98000 (correction : its not mysal its mysum)(ANS)
(C) mycount = 5, mysal = 47000
(D) mycount = 5, mysal = 98000
18.Linux partitions are created using the file system:
(A) FAT (B) FAT32 (C) EXT3 (ANS) (D) NTFS
19. The local area network technology used in Ethernet
20. Data abstraction means :
(A) Objects of one class acquire properties of object of another class
(B) Insulation of data from direct access by programs
(C) Code associated with a procedure call is not known until run time
(D)Putting together essential features without including background details (ANS)
21.A hardware interface that allows for the connection of several peripheral devices to a single
PCI board.
PCI => Peripheral computer interface= onboard ports to connect multiple devices
22.If n represents the dimension of cube and k, the radix (no. of nodes along each dimensions)
then the number of nodes N of a k-ary n-cube network is :
(A) N=n^k (B) N=logkn (C) N=lognk (ANS) (D) N=k^n
23. The output generated by the following C program:
# include < stdio.h>
main 0
int v=3;
int * pv;
pv = & v;
* pv = 0;
printf (" * pv = %d v= %d ", * pv, v);
(A) *pv = 0 v= 0 (ANS)
(C) *pv = 3 v= 3
(B) *pv = 0 v= 3
(D) *pv = 3 v= a
24.A famous technique used in data warehousing:
25. The environment variable in Linux, that contain a list of directories the shell automatically recognizes.
(A) $ PATH (ANS)
(B) $ ENV
(C) $ USER
(D) $ GREP
26. Not an Anti-virus software:
(A) McAfee (B) Norton (C) AVG (D) TROJAN (ANS)