O notation (n) -  An indication of the relative performance of an algorithm. An algorithm or the method that implements it is said to be O(1) if its execution is a constant, O(log n) if its execution is proportional to the natural log of n, or O(n) if its execution is proportional to n. O notation is frequently used as a way to compare the relative performance of operations on collections, in which case n is usually the number of elements in the collection.


O/R Designer (PN) -  A tool that provides a visual design surface for creating LINQ to SQL entity classes and associations (relationships) based on objects in a database. The Object Relational Designer also provides functionality to map stored procedures and functions to System.Data.Linq.DataContext methods for returning data and manipulating entity classes.


OAB (n) -  A snapshot of information from an address book that has been downloaded so that an Outlook user can access it while disconnected from the server. It contains the properties of a user, such as e-mail addresses, that Outlook requires to send an e-mail message and display information about the sender.


OAB distribution (n) -  The method by which the offline address book (OAB) can be accessed by users when they are working remotely or over a dial-up connection. To distribute the OAB, administrators can use Web-based distribution, public folder distribution, or both. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients.


OAB distribution point (n) -  The HTTP Web address or public folder where client computers can download an offline address book. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients.


OAB generation (n) -  The process by which Exchange Server creates and updates the OAB. Administrators can define when the OAB generation process will run.


OAuth (PN) -  An open standard for authorization which allows users to share resources stored on one site with another site without having to share credentials.


OAuth Client ID (PN) -  A type of client ID that allows Open Authorization (OAuth). OAuth token (n) -  An entity encapsulating the security credentials for an OAuth login session.


Obfuscation (n) -  In software development, the deliberate act of creating obfuscated code to make it difficult for humans to understand and conceal its purpose or its logic, to prevent tampering, deter reverse engineering, or as a puzzle or recreational challenge for someone reading the source code.


object (n) -  An entity, such as a file, folder, shared folder, printer, or Active Directory object, described by a distinct, named set of attributes. For example, the attributes of a File object include its name, location, and size; the attributes of an Active Directory User object might include the user's first name, last name, and e-mail address.


object (n) -  In object-oriented programming, an instance of a class. An object comprises data and methods that act on the data, and is treated as a discrete entity. object (n) -  A table, chart, graphic, equation, or other form of information.


object (n) -  A drawing, image, shape, text, or other form of information that has been


added to the artboard.


object (n) -  An entity within SQL Server.


object (n) -  An entity in a graph edge that the action is performed on.


object anchor (n) -  A format code in a desktop publishing or word processing document that keeps an element in the document, such as a figure or a caption or a label associated with the figure, in a certain position in the document. The anchored object is generally attached to another element in the document.


object browser (PN) -  A dialog box that displays information about objects, properties, methods, and constants in the current project and in referenced object libraries, and that you use to search for an element, get help on it, or paste it into a module.


Object Browser (PN) -  A dialog box that displays information about objects, properties, methods, and constants in the current project and in referenced object libraries, and that you use to search for an element, get help on it, or paste it into a module.


object cache GC count (n) -  The total number of objects from the object cache that have been removed from memory by the garbage collector.


object cache live count (n) -  The total number of objects that are currently active in the object cache. These objects can quickly be retrieved from the cache. object caching (n) -  A type of caching that allows a reference to an object to remain accessible when the user navigates to a new domain.


object class (n) -  A category of objects that share a common set of characteristics. object construction (n) -  A COM+ service available to .NET Framework classes that passes a persistent string value to a class instance on construction of the instance. object context (n) -  The entity container defined in the conceptual schema. It contains a connection to the underlying data store and provides services such as change tracking. Object data type (n) -  A fundamental data type representing any object that can be recognized by Visual Basic. Although you can declare any object variable as type Object, it is best to declare object variables according to their specific types.


Object Dependencies pane (n) -  A pane that shows objects that have a dependency on the selected object. Also shows objects on which the selected object has dependencies. object dependency (n) -  A dependency at the object level.


Object Description Language (n) -  A scripting language used to describe exposed libraries, objects, types, and interfaces. ODL scripts are compiled into type libraries by the MIDL compiler.


Object Explorer (PN) -  The section of the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) that contains nodes that represent database objects. object file (n) -  A file containing object code and/or data generated by a compiler or an assembler from the source code of a program.


object flow (n) -  In an activity diagram, a dashed arrow that indicates that an object is input or output by an action. An object flow arrow connects an object flow state either to a control flow arrow or to an action state.


object flow state (n) -  In an activity diagram, a state that defines an object flow between actions. An object flow state signifies the availability of an instance of a classifier in a given state, usually as the result of an operation.


object frame (n) -  A control you place on a form or report to contain an object. object handler (n) -  A DLL loaded into an OLE container's process space that acts on behalf of a local server. The object handler responds to container requests that do not require the attention of the server, such as requests for drawing.


object ID (n) -  An attribute type in which the value of the attribute is a globally unique identifier (GUID) assigned by ILM2' to each resource when it is created.' object identifier (n) -  An attribute type in which the value of the attribute is a globally unique identifier (GUID) assigned by ILM2' to each resource when it is created.' object in state (n) -  In an activity diagram, an object that is manipulated by a number of successive activities. Each appearance of the object indicates a different phase in its life. object initializer (n) -  A set of name/value pairs or unnamed variable initializers that are assigned to the public fields of an object in the same statement in which the object is declared.


object layout (n) -  The positioning of an object, such as a chart, shape, image or text box,


on a page, along with related options such as text-wrapping styles.


object library (n) -  A file that contains definitions of objects and their methods and




object lifeline (n) -  In a sequence diagram, a representation of the existence of an object at a particular time. If the object is created or destroyed during the time period the diagram represents, then the lifeline stops or starts at the appropriate point.


object lifetime (n) -  The span of time a cached object resides in cache and is available to be retrieved by cache clients. The object expires when its lifetime ends. Expired objects cannot be retrieved by cache clients, but remain in memory of the cache host until they are evicted. Specified as time to live (TTL).


object linking and embedding (n) -  A technology for transferring and sharing information among applications. When an object, such as an image file created with a paint program, is linked to a compound document, such as a spreadsheet or a document created with a word processing program, the document contains only a reference to the object; any changes made to the contents of a linked object will be seen in the compound document. When an object is embedded in a compound document, the document contains a copy of the object; any changes made to the contents of the original object will not be seen in the compound document unless the embedded object is updated.


Object Linking and Embedding Database (PN) -  A component database architecture that provides efficient network and Internet access to many types of data sources, including relational data, mail files, flat files, and spreadsheets. OLE DB comprises a specialized set of COM interfaces that expose data from a variety of data stores, both relational and nonrelational.


object linking and embedding for POS (n) -  A widely-adopted POS device standard initiated by Microsoft, NCR, Epson, and Fujitsu-ICL to help integrate POS hardware into applications for the Windows-,,^ family of operating systems.


object model (n) -  A hierarchical set of objects and its members - methods, properties, and events - that a particular component provides.


object model diagram (n) -  A graphical representation of the objects and collections that are contained within a specified object model.


object owner (n) -  The security account with special permissions for an object, usually the creator of the object.


Object Palette (PN) -  A tab in the Toolbox where you can go to insert objects into your document.


object path (n) -  A formatted string used to access namespaces, classes, and instances. Each object on the system has a unique path that identifies it locally or over the network. Object paths are conceptually similar to Universal Resource Locators (URL). object permission (n) -  A permitted create, read, update, delete, or execute operation on a securable object.


object pooling (n) -  An automatic service provided by COM+ that enables you to configure a component so that instances of itself are kept active in a pool, ready to be used by any client that requests the component.


object protection level (n) -  The integrity level of an object, stored in a token or an object's system access control list (SACL). The access check algorithm uses the object protection level to perform Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC).


object query (n) -  A query executed against an EDM within an object context that returns data as objects.


Object Relational Designer (PN) -  A tool that provides a visual design surface for creating LINQ to SQL entity classes and associations (relationships) based on objects in a database. The Object Relational Designer also provides functionality to map stored procedures and functions to System.Data.Linq.DataContext methods for returning data and manipulating entity classes.


object scope (n) -  A set of objects about which a request can be submitted.


Object Services (PN) -  The services provided by the Entity Framework that enable application code to operate on entities in terms of .NET Framework objects. object tab (n) -  A tab that you use to display or work with a database object, such as a table, query, form, or report.


Object Test Bench (n) -  A tool that creates instances of a project's objects, calls their methods, and evaluates the results.


Object Test Bench (PN) -  A Visual J# feature that is designed for simple object-level testing.


object type (n) -  An opaque data structure that defines a protected entity that is implemented and manipulated by the operating system. For example, the system service that reads a file operates on an open file object.


object type (n) -  A part of a schema that defines the representation of a resource in ILM




object type mapping (n) -  A relationship between an object type that is used to represent a resource in ILM 2' and an object class that is used to represent that object in the metaverse.'


object variable (n) -  A variable that contains a reference to an object.


Object Visualization Configuration (n) -  Configuration objects that are used to render UI in the Universal Object Control for authoring a specific object type in ILM 2'.' object zoom (n) -  A view that shows a close-up of an object within a document. object-action paradigm (n) -  The basic interaction model for the user interface in which the object to be acted upon is specified first, followed by the command to be executed. objective (n) -  A group of key performance indicators (KPIs) that correspond to the functional areas or strategic initiatives of an organization.


objective KPI (n) -  A KPI that derives its target value and score from a rollup of its child KPIs.


object-level keyframe (n) -  A type of keyframe that applies to entire objects, such as a rectangle object, or a grid that contains multiple objects.


ObjectLink (n) -  An OLE data format that describes a linked object, identifying the class, document name, and name of an object. Each of these data items is a null-terminated string.


object-oriented (adj) -  Of, pertaining to, or being a system or language that supports the use of objects.


object-oriented database (n) -  A flexible database that supports the use of abstract data types, objects, and classes and that can store a wide range of data, often including sound, video, and graphics, in addition to text and numbers. Some object-oriented databases allow data retrieval procedures and rules for processing data to be stored along with the data or in place of the data. This allows the data to be stored in areas other than in the physical database, which is often desirable when the data files are large, such as those for video files.


Objects (in 100s) (PN) -  The unit of measure for Active Directory objects.


Objects and Timeline (n) -  The area of the workspace that displays all of the objects on the artboard and the animation timeline.


objects view (n) -  The list of objects that appear on the artboard. This list shows the general structure of the content on the artboard, reflecting Z-order or markup order as well as nesting.


ObjectSpaces (n) -  An Object/Relational mapping tool fully integrated with Microsoft ADO.NET and Microsoft .NET technologies that puts an abstraction layer between your business tier and the raw-data tier where the physical connection to the data source is handled.


obligation (n) -  A legally binding commitment.


oblique (adj) -  Describing a style of text created by slanting a roman font to simulate italics when a true italic font isn't available on the computer or printer. observational (adj) -  Pertaining to data that represents a set of observations and their associated space-time regions, typically on the earth.


obsolete (adj) -  Pertaining to a software feature, component or technology that has not been enhanced or updated in several product releases and that will be excluded from future product releases. Obsolete technologies might not be supported.


occupation code (n) -  A code that represents the type of work performed by an employee within the organization.


occupational illness (n) -  An illness caused by exposure to environmental factors in the work environment.


occupational injury (n) -  An injury resulting from an accident in the work environment. OCR (oth) -  A method of translating images of printed text into machine-encoded text. OCR  -  (Optical Character Recognition)- A program which attempts to convert a scanned image (ie a picture) of text into text that can be edited in a word processor. The result is rarely 100% accurate and must be carefully proofread, but it can save a lot of retyping. OCR line (n) -  A line of characters that is read by special character recognition equipment and translated into computer text.


OCR reference control (n) -  A service from BGC that confirms the validity of an OCR reference number in the BG Max file. The user can confirm only the digits or also confirm the character length.


OCSP (n) -  A protocol that allows real-time validation of a certificate's status by having the CryptoAPI make a call to an OCSP responder and the OCSP responder providing an immediate validation of the revocation status for the presented certificate. Typically, an OCSP responder responds with the revocation status check request based on the certificate revocation list (CRL) or other forms of revocation status it retrieves from the certification authorities.


OCSP responder (n) -  A computer on which the Online Responder service and Online Responder web proxy are running.


OCSP responder service (n) -  A service that is part of the Online Responder role service and that decodes a revocation status request for a specific certificate, evaluates the status of this certificate, and sends back a signed response containing the requested certificate status information.


OCT (n) -  A one-stop shop for customizing Office deployment and setup behaviors.


OCT (n) -  An imaging method used to obtain high resolution cross-sectional images of the retina.


octal (adj) -  The base-8 number system consisting of the digits 0 through 7, from the Latin octo, meaning eight'. The octal system is used in programming as a compact means of representing binary numbers.'


octal escape sequence (n) -  In regular expressions, a backslash followed by one, two, or three octal digits (0-7). It matches a character in the target sequence that has the value that is specified by those digits.


octet (n) -  A unit of data that consists of exactly 8 bits, regardless of the number of bits a computer uses to represent a small amount of information such as a character.


OData Connector (n) -  A feature that enables connectivity from SharePoint to external systems that use the OData protocol.


OData Extension Provider (PN) -  A Business Connectivity Services feature that enables developers to extend functionality that is provided by the OData connector.


ODBC (n) -  In the Microsoft WOSA (Windows Open System Architecture) structure, an interface providing a common language for Windows applications to gain access to a database on a network.


ODBC data source (n) -  Data and the information needed to access that data from programs and databases that support the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) protocol. ODBC database (n) -  A database for which an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver that you can use for importing, linking to, or exporting data is supplied.


ODBC driver (n) -  A program file used to connect to a particular database. Each database program, such as Access or dBASE, or database management system, such as SQL Server, requires a different driver.


ODBC resource dispenser (n) -  A DLL that manages pools of database connections for COM+ components that use the standard open database connectivity (ODBC) programming interfaces.


ODC file (n) -  A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration.


odd parity (n) -  Parity bit set so that there is an odd number of 1 bits.


ODL (n) -  A scripting language used to describe exposed libraries, objects, types, and interfaces. ODL scripts are compiled into type libraries by the MIDL compiler.


ODM (n) -  A manufacturer that designs and manufactures its own products and sells them to other companies with established brand names. Established brand name companies add their logos and sell ODM products as their own.


ODS library (n) -  A set of C functions that makes an application a server. ODS library calls respond to requests from a client in a client/server network. Also manages the communication and data between the client and the server. ODS library follows the tabular data stream (TDS) protocol.


ODS log file (n) -  A log file used to store Open Data Services (ODS) error messages. The default log file for ODS is Srv.log.


OEAT (PN) -  A comprehensive scanning tool that helps assess your configuration and the compatibility of existing add-ins and applications in your environment with Office prior to deployment.


OEM  -  (Original Equipment Manufacturer)- A company that actually builds computers, as opposed to just retailing them. ‘OEM software' is ordinary software bought in bulk at a discount by the OEM and pre-installed on a new machines, usually without printed manuals. OEM software cannot legally be sold separately from a computer, so when offered for sale at huge discounts is either pirated, or not what it claims to be.


OEM Activation (n) -  Technology that helps restrict legitimately licensed operating system software to use with the computer system upon which it was originally distributed by a royalty OEM, all in accordance with the license rights granted in the applicable Microsoft Software License Terms.


OEM branding (n) -  The inclusion of a company name, logo, support information, and Help files into the Microsoft Windows installation.


OEM License Agreement (n) -  A legal agreement between Microsoft Licensing, Inc., and OEMs, regarding the terms of preinstalling, customizing, and distributing Microsoft Windows XP. For system builders, the corresponding agreement is affixed to the side of every OEM Distribution Pack. By opening the package, you agree to all the terms of the Microsoft OEM System Builder Agreement. For royalty OEMs, the license agreement is a signed contract. The specific requirements and customization options that apply to either or both license agreements are documented in the OPK User's Guide.


OEM link (n) -  A link on the Start menu where OEMs can place any desired links or shortcuts.


OEM manufacturer (n) -  The maker of a piece of equipment. In making computers and related equipment, manufacturers of original equipment typically purchase components from other manufacturers of original equipment, integrate them into their own products, and then sell the products to the public.


OEM picks (PN) -  A collection of items (such as apps and games) selected by a device manufacturer.


OEM Preinstallation Kit (n) -  A set of tools, documentation, and samples that enable OEMs to preinstall Windows efficiently on new computers according to the terms of the OEM Licensing Agreement.


OEM Setup Analyzer (PN) -  A Windows extensible tool that is used by both Microsoft and OEMs to have a common depth analysis of the first boot experience and address any issues.


Off Work (PN) -  An item on the user's My Status drop-down menu. This is a status the user can select to say that he or she is not working right now, but is on personal time. off -axis (adj) -  One of the presets for 3D rotation effects. When selected, specifies that the object will be rotated off-axis.


offer (n) -  A set of information that describes the details of a subscription.


offer (n) -  A set of information that describes the details of a subscription to Office 365. Offer Hyperlink Text (PN) -  The text of the hyperlink that will appear in an email marketing email messages that links to the offer description.


Offer URL (PN) -  The optional URL to the user-managed offer pages.


offering (n) -  Something that is offered to a client or customer, or the act of offering. Office 2007 Embedded Storage (PN) -  An extension module that stores information (metadata) within Office 2007 files.


Office 365 admin center (PN) -  The web portal from which each company's service administrator can manage user accounts and settings for each of the Office 365 services to which they subscribe.


Office 365 APIs (PN) -  A set of web services built on top of the Office 365 platform that makes available Office 365 components or data, such as documents, spreadsheets, presentations, calendars, mail, contacts, and tasks. These services are available from within apps for Office, apps for SharePoint, and also from third-party sites or applications who want to use Office 365 components, but are hosted on another platform, such as Microsoft Azure.


Office 365 Business (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription that provides Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Publisher and that includes OneDrive and cannot be licensed for more than 300 users per organization.


Office 365 Business Essentials (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription that provides a suite of cloud services that includes Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and Office Online and cannot be licensed for more than 300 users per organization.


Office 365 Business Premium (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Publisher that also includes cloud services such as Exchange Online, Lync Online, and SharePoint Online and cannot be licensed for more than 300 users per organization.


Office 365 Compliance Admin Center (n) -  An administrative portal in the Office 365 suite that offers compliance features for Office 365 services.


Office 365 Developer (n) -  A person who develops applications that run on Office 365. Office 365 Education E1 for Faculty (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription for faculty that allows them to access communication and collaboration tools from virtually anywhere, at any time and that includes document viewing and lightweight editing with Office Online. Office 365 Education E1 for Students (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription for students that allows them to access communication and collaboration tools from virtually anywhere, at any time and that includes document viewing and lightweight editing with Office Online.


Office 365 Education E3 for Faculty (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription that provides faculty and staff with the familiar Office desktop suite of apps, as well as Office Online, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email, while including voice mail and advanced archiving capabilities.


Office 365 Education E3 for Students (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription that provides students with the familiar Office desktop suite of apps, as well as Office Online, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email and includes voice mail and advanced archiving capabilities.


Office 365 Education E4 for Faculty (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription that provides faculty and staff with the familiar Office desktop apps, as well as Office Online, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email, while including advanced archiving capabilities and enterprise voice capabilities.


Office 365 Education E4 for Students (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription that provides students with the familiar Office desktop apps, as well as Office Online, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email, while including advanced archiving capabilities and enterprise voice capabilities.


Office 365 Enterprise (PN) -  A subscription offering that provides an online service version of the familiar Office desktop suite, plus cloud-based versions of communications and collaboration services such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Lync Online, and other enterprise-level features.


Office 365 Enterprise E1 (n) -  An Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need communication and collaboration tools accessible from PCs, the Web and mobile devices. Office 365 Enterprise E1 (Government Pricing) (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription for government organizations that need communication and collaboration tools and the ability to read and do lightweight editing of documents with the Office Online that is hosted in the commercial cloud environment.


Office 365 Enterprise E1 Trial (n) -  A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need communication and collaboration tools accessible from PCs, the Web and mobile devices.


Office 365 Enterprise E2 (n) -  An Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need communication and collaboration tools and the ability to read and do lightweight editing of documents with the Office Web Apps.


Office 365 Enterprise E3 (n) -  An Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need full productivity, communication and collaboration tools with the familiar Office suite, including Office Web Apps.


Office 365 Enterprise E3 (Government Pricing) (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription that is the best plan for government organizations that need full productivity, communication and collaboration tools with the familiar Office suite, including Office Online, and that is


hosted in the commercial cloud environment.


Office 365 Enterprise E3 (Government Pricing) Trial (PN) -  The the limited-day trial for government organizations for the offer for Office 365 Enterprise E3 that is hosted in the commercial cloud environment.


Office 365 Enterprise E3 Trial (n) -  A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need full productivity, communication and collaboration tools with the familiar Office suite, including Office Web Apps.


Office 365 Enterprise E4 (n) -  An Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need full productivity, communication and collaboration tools with the familiar Office suite, including Office Web Apps and on-premises server rights to information protection and enterprise voice capabilities.


Office 365 Enterprise E4 (Government Pricing) (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription, hosted in the commercial cloud environment, for government organizations that need full productivity, communication and collaboration tools with the familiar Office suite, including Office Online and on-premises server rights to information protection and enterprise voice capabilities.


Office 365 Enterprise E4 Trial (n) -  A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need full productivity, communication and collaboration tools with the familiar Office suite, including Office Web Apps and on-premises server rights to information protection and enterprise voice capabilities.


Office 365 Enterprise K1 (n) -  An Office 365 online subscription for people in your business without a dedicated PC that need occasional access to Web email and internal sites.


Office 365 Enterprise K1 Trial (n) -  A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for people in your business without a dedicated PC that need occasional access to Web email and internal sites.


Office 365 Enterprise K2 (n) -  An Office 365 online subscription for people in your business without a dedicated PC that need occasional access to Web email, internal sites and documents with Office Web Apps.


Office 365 Enterprise K2 Trial (n) -  A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for people in your business without a dedicated PC that need occasional access to Web email, internal sites and documents with Office Web Apps.


Office 365 Extra File Storage (Government Pricing) (PN) -  The offer for government organizations for Office 365 Extra File Storage that is hosted in the commercial cloud environment.


Office 365 First Release program (PN) -  An opt-in release track that gives Office 365 tenant admins the ability to decide whether users in their organization receive new features as soon as they are released by Microsoft.


Office 365 global navigation (n) -  A control used in Office 365 mobile applications to indicate navigation between applications in Office 365.


Office 365 Government (n) -  The Office 365 online subscription for government organizations that need communication and collaboration tools accessible from PCs, the Web and mobile devices.


Office 365 Message Encryption (PN) -  A service that enables users to send encrypted


email messages to any recipient on the Internet.


Office 365 Midsize Business (PN) -  A subscription offering designed for midsize businesses with fewer than 250 users that want business-class email, file-sharing, web conferencing plus familiar Office applications -€“ Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publish and Lync.


Office 365 Midsize Business Trial (n) -  A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for midsize businesses (fewer than 250 users) that need that need Office suite, email, instant messaging, document/content management, and web conferencing. Includes Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac, mobile, Office Web Apps and IT management capabilities.


Office 365 Partner Admin (PN) -  The web app that provides the key functionality of the O365 Partner Admin Center on mobile devices.


Office 365 Preview (n) -  The public preview version of Office 365 (An online suite of services from Microsoft that combines the familiar Office desktop suite with cloud-based versions of communications and collaboration services.)


Office 365 ProPlus (PN) -  An enterprise-level subscription offering that includes online service versions of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publisher, and Lync.


Office 365 ProPlus (Government Pricing) (PN) -  The offer for government


organizations for Office 365 ProPlus that is hosted in the commercial cloud environment. Office 365 ProPlus A for Faculty (n) -  Office ProPlus Subscription for Faculty and Staff at K12 and Higher Education institutions.


Office 365 ProPlus A for Students (n) -  Office ProPlus Subscription for Students at K12 and Higher Education institutions.


Office 365 ProPlus for Government (PN) -  The offer for government organizations for Office 365 ProPlus that is hosted in the government cloud environment.


Office 365 service update (n) -  The customer-facing term for an update of Office 365. Internally, we recognize this as an update from one version to another (e.g. from wave 14 to wave 15). Externally, we do not use the term version' for a service update.'


Office 365 settings (PN) -  The web page were users can find and modify all of their Office 365 settings.


Office 365 Small Business (PN) -  The Office 365 subscription that provides a suite of cloud services that includes Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and Office Online and cannot be licensed for more than 300 users per organization.


Office 365 Small Business Premium (PN) -  A premium subscription offering for small businesses (fewer than 10 users) and professionals that need familiar Office applications - €“ Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publisher and Lync - plus email, instant messaging, web conferencing, and a public website. Includes Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac, and mobile.


Office 365 Small Business Premium Trial (n) -  A limited-time trial for small businesses and professionals (fewer than 25 users) that need Office suite, email, instant messaging, document/content management, and web conferencing. Includes Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac, mobile and Office Web Apps. Simple setup and deployment.


Office 365 University (PN) -  A consumer subscription offering for higher education students that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher and Access across multiple devices plus Office services such as personalized experience, Office on Demand, Skype world minutes, additional OneDrive storage and ongoing access to upgrades.


Office Anytime Upgrade (PN) -  A program that lets users try out and purchase applications that are part of a higher value suite than the one they purchased.


Office Automation Services (PN) -  Collectively, the SharePoint service applications that write to ULS logs using shared code for automated document processing.


Office Auto-Revisions (PN) -  A feature that makes automatic versions of user documents during each autosave operation and allows the user to revert to previous copies of the document with ease.


Office Business App (PN) -  The Microsoft Office system provides a set of servers, clients, and tools to make it easier for enterprises and software vendors to build and deploy composite applications in the enterprise. These solutions, called Office Business Applications (OBAs), are quick to build and deploy; empower end users through extensive personalization capabilities; are easy to change when business needs require; and are built using familiar Microsoft Office tools and applications.


Office Business Application (PN) -  A composite application that uses Microsoft Office programs as the presentation layer for line-of-business systems, data and processes.


Office Button (PN) -  A button that replaces the File menu beginning with some 2007 Microsoft Office system programs.


Office Casual (PN) -  A series of videos and blog entries that show you simple ways to get the most out of Microsoft Office, your devices, and your online services.


Office Communications Server (n) -  A computer that runs Microsoft Office Communications Server software.


Office Communications Server Certificate Wizard (PN) -  The wizard that guides users through the process of configuring certificates for Office Communications Server.


Office compatibility definition file (n) -  A file that stores information about compatibility issues and workarounds and makes it available to the Office Telemetry Log and Office Telemetry Dashboard.


Office Customization Tool (n) -  A one-stop shop for customizing Office deployment and setup behaviors.


Office data connection file (n) -  A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration.


Office Deployment Tool (PN) -  A tool in Office 365 that enables IT professionals to manage how Office is installed for their users. Users receive the correct language and configurations individually tailored to them automatically, without the need to install anything themselves.


Office Developer Center (PN) -  A website that provides content and resources to help developers create custom solutions with Microsoft Office.


Office Developer Tools (PN) -  You can extend Office 2013 and Office 2010 by using Office developer tools in Visual Studio to create apps and solutions. Apps focus on web integration, and solutions target the .NET Framework and are more deeply integrated with the Office object model.


Office Diagnostics (n) -  A feature that may be able to identify the root cause of crashes if an Office application is repeatedly crashing.


Office Document Cache (PN) -  A client-side cache for documents that are stored on Web servers. Documents are seamlessly replicated from this local cache, and uploaded to servers as required, enabling faster and more robust file access.


Office enabled device (n) -  A removable storage device that has been configured with Office applications using the Office To-Go Device Manager.


Office File Validation (PN) -  A security feature that validates files before allowing them to be loaded by the application, in order to protect against file format vulnerabilities. Office Fluent (adj) -  Characterized by design and functional elements introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office suite user interface.


Office Fluent user interface (PN) -  The user interface introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office suite. It includes components and features such as the Ribbon, Galleries, Live Preview, the Mini Toolbar, and Contextual Tabs.


Office for Android (PN) -  The version of Microsoft Office that runs on the Android operating system.


Office for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch (PN) -  The version of Microsoft Office that runs on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.


Office for iPhone (PN) -  The version of Office that runs on iPhone.


Office for Mac (PN) -  The version of Microsoft Office that runs on the Mac operating system.


Office for Mac for Office 365 (PN) -  The version of Office from Office 365 that runs on the Mac operating system.


Office for Mac Preview (PN) -  The public preview of Office for Mac.


Office Forms Server (PN) -  A scalable, security-enhanced, standards-based solution that centralizes control and management of electronic forms by allowing customers to use a common Web browser to interact with information. It will help streamline organizations forms-driven business processes with existing systems.


Office Genuine Advantage (PN) -  A program for licensed Office software that provides access to updates, value-added downloads, free software trials, and special promotions. Office Graph (PN) -  The graph that represents relationships and interactions between people, items, and people and items across office 365.


Office Home & Business (PN) -  The 2013 edition of the Office suite that supports common tasks for home and small business use, and that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook.


Office Home & Student (PN) -  The 2013 edition of the base consumer offering of the Office suite, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.


Office Home & Student 2013 RT (PN) -  The RT version of the Office Home & Student 2013 edition, our base consumer offering, that is included with Windows RT. It includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.


Office Home and Student 2010 (PN) -  The year 2010 edition of the suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, e­mail, presentations, and data management and analysis, designed for home and students.


Office Installer (PN) -  An application that installs all program and support files associated with Microsoft Office.


Office Language Pack (PN) -  A set of resources for Microsoft Office software that provides support for features such as Help and proofing tools in a particular language or set of languages.


Office Lens (PN) -  An app that enables you to capture the content of a whiteboard or document as a picture and optionally save it in OneNote. You can also access this functionality from OneNote directly in OneNote for the Windows Store, Windows Phone, iOS, and Android.


office location (n) -  A contact's office number.


Office Migration Planning Manager (PN) -  A group of tools designed to help administrators during the planning and testing phases of Microsoft Office deployment. Office Multi-Language Pack (n) -  A volume licensing solution that provides Office Language Pack support for all available languages.


Office on Demand (PN) -  A feature that enables subscription customers to launch Office rich client applications online from a computer on which those applications are not already installed.


Office Online Sharing Service (n) -  A service that allows users to share calendars through an Office Online website.


Office Presentation Service (PN) -  A free online service that enables Office users to share presentations with people who view them on the web.


Office Professional (PN) -  The Office suite that supports common business tasks, and that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, and Access.


Office Professional 2010 (PN) -  The year 2010 edition of the suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing (Word), e-mail (Outlook with Business Contact Manager), presentations (PowerPoint and Publisher), and data management and analysis (Access and Excel).


Office Professional 2016 (PN) -  The year 2016 edition of Office Professional.


Office Professional Academic 2016 (PN) -  The year 2016 edition of Microsoft Office available only to eligible students who attend an educational institution geographically located in the United States.


Office Professional Plus (PN) -  The 2013 edition of the Office suite that supports common business tasks, and that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, Access, Lync, and InfoPath.


Office Professional Plus 2016 (PN) -  The year 2016 edition of Office Professional Plus. Office Ready (n) -  A program that separates the pre-installation of Microsoft Office software from the software license sale. Under this program, OEMs can preinstall a build of Office on their PCs without paying royalty to Microsoft. No royalty is due at the time of pre-installation because the software is not licensed perpetually until a product key is purchased and activated by the end-user.


Office Ready PC (n) -  A PC with a preinstalled build of Office that can be activated by the end-user through purchase of a license kit.


Office Roaming Service (PN) -  A feature that helps keep a user's Office settings up to date across devices running Office.


Office Scrapbook (PN) -  A feature designed to help users manage random clippings and tidbits of info.


Office Side-by-Side (PN) -  A Click-to-Run feature that enables two versions of Office to exist on the same computer to provide a seamless transition for users in supported scenarios.


Office Standard (PN) -  The 2013 edition of the Office suite that supports common business tasks, and that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, and Publisher.


Office Standard 2016 (PN) -  The year 2016 edition of Office Standard.


Office Start screen (PN) -  A screen that gives users quick access to recent documents and recommended templates when an Office application starts.


Office Starter To-Go (PN) -  A feature that enables users to take Office Starter programs with them on a USB drive or other portable device and use them on another computer while the device is plugged in.


Office Store (PN) -  An Internet site that provides a collection of products and services developed by Microsoft partners for Microsoft Office users.


Office Suite  -  A related group of programs for business use, usually including a word- processor, spreadsheet, database and a number of other programs. The best known is Microsoft Office.


Office Telemetry Agent (PN) -  A feature of the Office Telemetry Dashboard that supports collection and upload of inventory and usage data for Office related solutions on client computers across an organization.


Office Telemetry Dashboard (PN) -  A tool that enables IT pros to monitor usage, error, and compatibility issue information from Office related solutions on client machines across an organization.


Office Telemetry Log (PN) -  A feature that displays an Office event log in Excel format and helps the user to find and resolve known compatibility issues for Office files and solutions.


Office telemetry logging (n) -  The process that populates data to the Office Telemetry Log.


Office Telemetry Processor (PN) -  A Windows service application that reads data files uploaded by the Office Telemetry Agent and inserts the data into SQL Server.


Office Update (n) -  A web page on the Office Online website maintained by the Microsoft Office product group for the purpose of providing critical updates, add-ins, converters, and viewers that increase the performance and stability of currently released Office programs. Office Upload Center (PN) -  A central hub for viewing pending uploads to http servers (mainly SharePoint) and correcting upload errors.


Office Viewing Architecture (PN) -  The end-to-end architecture that powers the Word and PowerPoint viewing experience in the browser. It includes the front-end machines to service the browser requests and the back-end machines which convert the document from a DOC or PPT file to PNG, each representing a page of your document.


Office Web Components (n) -  Microsoft COM controls that allow users to publish spreadsheets, charts, and databases to an intranet and edit published documents within a Web browser.


Office XML Handler (PN) -  A utility that launches the appropriate Office application when a user tries to open an XML file.


Office-enabled app for SharePoint (PN) -  An app that has both an Office and a SharePoint component.


offline (adj) -  A network status that indicates a client is not connected to a server. offline (adj) -  In reference to a computing device or a program, unable to communicate with a primary database or controlling computer.


offline (adj) -  A state that marks a component in a failover cluster or server cluster as unavailable. A node in an offline state is either inactive or not running. Clustered services and applications, and the resources within them, also have an offline state.


Offline (PN) -  Pertaining to a user who, during business hours (or at any time if no business hours have been set), is not signed in to any Lync or Communicator, or IM device and cannot be contacted by phone (no call forwarding information is published). offline (adj) -  Pertaining to a user who, during business hours (or at any time if no business hours have been set), is not signed in to any Lync or Communicator, or IM device and cannot be contacted by phone (no call forwarding information is published). offline (adj) -  A user presence state of being unavailable.


Offline (PN) -  The status that appears when a user signs out. This status shows this user is not available to call and IM on Skype.


offline address book (n) -  A snapshot of information from an address book that has been downloaded so that an Outlook user can access it while disconnected from the server. It contains the properties of a user, such as e-mail addresses, that Outlook requires to send an e-mail message and display information about the sender.


offline address book distribution (n) -  The method by which the offline address book (OAB) can be accessed by users when they are working remotely or over a dial-up connection. To distribute the OAB, administrators can use Web-based distribution, public folder distribution, or both. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients.


offline address book distribution point (n) -  The HTTP Web address or public folder where client computers can download an offline address book. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients.


offline address book generation (n) -  The process by which Exchange Server creates and updates the OAB. Administrators can define when the OAB generation process will run. Offline Contacts (n) -  A default contact group name that Communicator uses for all contacts who are currently offline.


offline cube file (n) -  A file you create on your hard disk or a network share to store OLAP source data for a PivotTable or PivotChart report. Offline cube files allow you to keep working when you are not connected to the OLAP server.


offline data source (n) -  A secondary data source that is accessible to users who fill out forms offline. When a user is online, data from the data source is stored on the user's computer so that it can appear in controls when the form is offline.


offline database (n) -  A local working copy of a remote shared database in which you can make changes while you are disconnected. You can synchronize changes with the remote shared database when you reconnect.


Offline Files (PN) -  A feature that makes network files available to an end user when a network connection to the server is unavailable or slow.


offline folder file (n) -  The file on your hard disk that contains offline folders. The offline folder file has an .ost extension. You can create it automatically when you set up Outlook, or when you first make a folder available offline.


offline Help (n) -  Help that is available to the user while not being connected to or part of a system or network.


offline installation (n) -  The process of installing packages and other updates to a Windows image that is not currently running. For example, you can update a Windows image with security updates, language packs, or other packages.


offline instant message (n) -  An instant message that is transmitted while the sender or recipient is offline.


offline mode (n) -  The state in which users fill out forms when working offline. offline publishing (n) -  ?The process by which- a developer allows- an app to be purchased in bulk licensing and managed by business and IT managers offline. offline restore (n) -  A restore during which the database is offline.


offline servicing (n) -  The process of installing packages and other updates to a Windows image that is not currently running. For example, you can update a Windows image with security updates, language packs, or other packages.


offline user state capture (n) -  A type of user state capture that can be performed within Windows Preinstallation Environment phase without needing to boot into full OS. offloading (n) -  The process of transferring part of the processing demand to another device.


off-net (adj) -  Pertaining to dialing a number not serviced by the user's PBX or Unified Communications deployment.


off-network (adj) -  Pertaining to dialing a number not serviced by the user's PBX or Unified Communications deployment.


Off-Page Reference (n) -  A 2-D shape that you can use in large flowchart diagrams to link to another page in the drawing.


Off-peak times (PN) -  A feature that allows the user to schedule automatic


synchronization between the device and the Exchange Server every time an item arrives or is changed in Exchange Server (if the organization is running Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync), and after the first full synchronization with Exchange Server when the volume of e-mail is low.


offset (v) -  To move an object from its initial X, Y, and Z (three-dimensional objects only) coordinates to new coordinates.


offset account (n) -  In double-entry accounting, the account used to balance a transaction so that debits equal credits.


offset account (n) -  An account used to reduce the gross amount of another account to create a net balance.


offset entry (n) -  In allocations, an entry used to balance the account, dimension, or other field information for the allocation destination. Offset entries typically clear or reduce the source amounts.


offset transaction (n) -  An accounting entry that balances a debit with a credit or a credit with a debit.


offside (adj) -  Pertaining to, or characteristic of, code that triggers the end of a construct because it is not indented far enough. In other words, code to the left of an offside line is offside. In correctly indented code, you take advantage of the offside rule in order to delineate the end of constructs. If you use indentation improperly, an offside condition can cause the compiler to issue a warning or can lead to the incorrect interpretation of your code.


offside line (n) -  The column that determines the context for a coding construct, for example, a try-€]with' construct. Code that appears to the left of this line is offside Off-topic  -  A message which is not relevant to a particular- newsgroup- orforum- on the Internet is said to be ‘off-topic'. Posting off-topic messages in newsgroups annoys people intensely, as they make it harder to follow the discussion properly.


OGC (PN) -  The standards body that defines standards for describing and communicating geospatial data.


OID (n) -  A number that identifies an object class or attribute. Object identifiers (OIDs) are organized into an industry-wide global hierarchy. An object identifier is represented as a dotted decimal string, such as, with each dot representing a new branch in the hierarchy. National/regional registration authorities issue root object identifiers to individuals or organizations, who manage the hierarchy below their root object identifier. OIM (n) -  An information model published by the Metadata Coalition (MDC) and widely supported by software vendors. The OIM is a formal description of metadata constructs organized by subject area.


OIOXML (oth) -  In Denmark, a standard for XML electronic invoices that are used by the public sector. OIO is Danish for Offentlig Information Online (Public Information Online.)


OLAP (PN) -  A technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide rapid access to data for analysis. The source data for OLAP is commonly stored in data warehouses in a relational database.


OLAP cube (n) -  A set of data that is organized and summarized into a multidimensional structure that is defined by a set of dimensions and measures.


OLAP database (n) -  A relational database system capable of handling queries more complex than those handled by standard relational databases, through multidimensional access to data (viewing the data by several different criteria), intensive calculation capability, and specialized indexing techniques.


OLAP provider (n) -  A set of software that provides access to a particular type of OLAP database. This software can include a data source driver and other client software that is necessary to connect to a database.


Oldies (n) -  One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID # 11.


old-style number (n) -  A number represented in a style where numeric glyphs have varying heights and positions and may extend below the baseline. Using old-style numbers in body text improves its overall look and readability.


OLE (n) -  A technology for transferring and sharing information among applications.


When an object, such as an image file created with a paint program, is linked to a compound document, such as a spreadsheet or a document created with a word processing program, the document contains only a reference to the object; any changes made to the contents of a linked object will be seen in the compound document. When an object is embedded in a compound document, the document contains a copy of the object; any changes made to the contents of the original object will not be seen in the compound document unless the embedded object is updated.


OLE container (n) -  An application that contains a linked or embedded OLE object from another application. For example, if an OLE object in an Access database contains a Microsoft Excel worksheet, Access is the OLE container.


OLE container control (n) -  A Visual Basic control that is used to link and embed objects from other applications in a Visual Basic application.


OLE DB (PN) -  A component database architecture that provides efficient network and Internet access to many types of data sources, including relational data, mail files, flat files, and spreadsheets. OLE DB comprises a specialized set of COM interfaces that expose data from a variety of data stores, both relational and nonrelational.


OLE DB provider (n) -  A program in the OLE DB architecture that enables native access to data, instead of accessing data using ODBC or IISAM drivers, which are external ways to access the data.


OLE embedded object (n) -  An object embedded within a compound document in which only a single piece of content can be active.


OLE for POS (n) -  A widely-adopted POS device standard initiated by Microsoft, NCR, Epson, and Fujitsu-ICL to help integrate POS hardware into applications for the Windows- „C family of operating systems.


OLE object (n) -  An object that supports the OLE protocol for object linking and embedding.


OLE Object data type (n) -  A field data type that you use for objects created in other applications that can be linked or embedded (inserted) in an Access database.


OLE server (n) -  An application or DLL that supplies a linked or embedded OLE object to another application. For example, if an OLE object in an Access database contains a Microsoft Excel worksheet, Excel is the OLE server.


OLE/DDE link (n) -  A connection between an OLE object and its OLE server, or between a dynamic data exchange (DDE) source document and a destination document.


OLMA (PN) -  The Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Outlook Live. It is an ILM component that consists of properties, rules, and rules extensions that determine how an object is processed.


OLTP (n) -  A system for processing transactions as soon as the computer receives them and updating master files immediately in a database management system. OLTP is useful in financial record keeping and inventory tracking.


OMID (n) -  A label that is electronically recorded on each medium in a Removable Storage system. Removable Storage uses on-media identifiers to track media in the Removable Storage database.


on account (adj) -  The extension of credit for purchases.


on hold (adj) -  A status that indicates that an active telephone call has been temporarily suspended.


on hold (adj) -  The state of an operational process that has been suspended or the status of a document and product that participate in a process that is suspended. on mute (adj) -  A status showing on the phone when the speaker is turned off and the person on the other line can't hear you.


on order (adj) -  Having the status of being ordered but not yet delivered.


On/Standby power button (n) -  The power button that turns a device, computer, or Surface unit, on and off.


on-access protection (n) -  Virus protection (e.g. antivirus software) that is active continuously, as opposed to on demand.


on-account payment (n) -  A fixed installment payment that is agreed to in a payment plan.


on-account statement (n) -  A report of invoiced on-account transaction amounts for a project.


onboard (v) -  To move an application into the store. Involves the uploading and certification of an app's packages and listing data.


on-chip performance counter (n) -  A register on a CPU chip that stores very low-level information. This information can be queried.


on-demand publishing point (n) -  A type of publishing point that streams content to clients by request. Content streamed from an on-demand publishing point is always delivered as a unicast stream.


on-demand report (n) -  A report that is not scheduled, but created on an as-needed basis. For on-demand reports, as with scheduled reports, current data is gathered before the report is generated.


on-demand streaming (n) -  A technology and method for the interactive delivery of digital media across a network in a continuous flow and playing it as it is received when they choose to, rather than having to watch at a specific broadcast time.


on-demand workflow (n) -  A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow. One time (PN) -  A data limit plan where users purchase upfront a quota of data for a given time. For instance, pre-paid 500MB which expire in 6 months.


one way to source binding (n) -  A type of data binding where changes made to the target automatically update the source, while changes to the source don't update the target. Data binding is always set on the target object.


OneCare circle (n) -  The computers that share a OneCare subscription.


one-click publish (n) -  A feature in Visual Studio that lets you deploy a Web application from the development computer to a server by clicking a button on a toolbar, and to deploy changes by clicking the button again, without having to redeploy the full application. You can create multiple publishing profiles to define the settings for different publishing scenarios, such as deploying to a test server, to a production server, and so on. One-click Subscribe (PN) -  A plug-in that enables users to quickly insert an HTML tag into the body of an email message that, when clicked, adds the email address of the email recipient to the specified list.


OneCore (PN) -  The unified, component-based software architecture model that provides a large and highly consistent set of APIs across multiple Windows 10-based device families.


one-dimensional measurement (n) -  A measurement with a single characterization of the magnitude or extent of the property of an object.


OneDrive (PN) -  The Microsoft online service that lets users access and share documents, photos, and other files from anywhere.


OneDrive (PN) -  An app that facilitates online file storage.


OneDrive (cloud only) (PN) -  The source location of files that are stored on OneDrive and not synced to the local device. This is different from other OneDrive files (just called OneDrive')


OneDrive Business (PN) -  A document service that enables organizations to provision and manage online storage for their users.


OneDrive camera roll (n) -  A folder that's automatically added to OneDrive when photos are uploaded from Windows Phone.


OneDrive for Business (PN) -  A document service that enables organizations to provision and manage online storage for their users.


OneDrive for Business with Office Online (Government Pricing) (PN) -  The offer for government organizations for OneDrive for Business that includes Office Online, and that is hosted in the commercial cloud environment.


OneDrive for Business with Office Online (Government Pricing) Trial (PN) -  The limited-day trial for government organizations for the offer for OneDrive for Business that includes Office Online, and that is hosted in the commercial cloud environment.


OneDrive for Mac (PN) -  An app for Mac computers that creates a folder on the user's computer, downloads the contents of their OneDrive, and keeps the folder in sync with any file changes online and among additional computers.


OneDrive.com (PN) -  The URL for Microsoft OneDrive.


one-level interactive template (n) -  A workflow template which allows the administrator to define one question with two answers. The answer determines which queue the call is routed to.


OneNote 2016 (PN) -  The year 2016 edition of OneNote.


OneNote API (PN) -  A set of web-based API instructions and requirements for creating, retrieving, and modifying pages in OneNote.


OneNote Clipper (n) -  A browser-based tool that enables users to save web pages to OneNote.


OneNote for Android (PN) -  The version of OneNote that runs on the Android operating system.


OneNote for iPad (PN) -  The version of OneNote that runs on iPad.


OneNote for iPhone (PN) -  The version of OneNote that runs on iPhone.


OneNote for Mac (PN) -  The version of OneNote that runs on the Mac operating system. OneNote for Mac for Office 365 (PN) -  The version of OneNote from Office 365 that runs on the Mac operating system.


OneNote Online Viewer (PN) -  A OneNote Web App technology that enables users to view in full fidelity a OneNote document that is stored online.


OneNote share (n) -  The feature that lets users create and share OneNote meeting notes in a Lync Meeting. Notes appear as docked in a Lync Meeting, with participant lists that can be updated in meeting notes for participants to see.


OneNote Staff Notebook (PN) -  The SharePoint app that allows an administrator to set up a custom shared OneNote notebook and a content library for a team in a corporate environment, as well as a private notebook for each direct report that only the manager has access to.


OneNote Staff Notebook (PN) -  The SharePoint app for educators that allows an IT administrator to set up a custom shared OneNote notebook and a content library for groups in educational institutions (K-12 and college level), as well as a private notebook that only the educator and his/her supervisor have access to.


OneNote Staff Notebook for Education (PN) -  The SharePoint app for educators that allows an IT administrator to set up a custom shared OneNote notebook and a content library for groups in educational institutions (K-12 and college level), as well as a private notebook that only the educator and his/her supervisor have access to.


one-off address (n) -  An address that is used to send messages to recipients who do not have a corresponding entry in any of the session's address book containers. one-pass encoding (n) -  An encoding method in which content is analyzed and compressed in the same pass through the encoder.


one-time bypass (n) -  To allow access one-time.


one-time password (n) -  Passwords produced by special password generating software or by a hardware token and that can be used only once.


one-to-many relationship (n) -  An association between two tables in which the primary key value of each record in the primary table corresponds to the value in the matching field or fields of many records in the related table.


one-to-one relationship (n) -  An association between two tables in which the primary key value of each record in the primary table corresponds to the value in the matching field or fields of one, and only one, record in the related table.


one-way trust (n) -  A trust relationship between two domains in which only one of the two domains trusts the other domain. For example, domain A trusts domain B, and domain B does not trust domain A. One-way trusts are often used to enable authenticated access to resource domains.


one-way trust relationship (n) -  A trust relationship between two domains in which only one of the two domains trusts the other domain. For example, domain A trusts domain B, and domain B does not trust domain A. One-way trusts are often used to enable authenticated access to resource domains.


OneX (n) -  An Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard that defines port-based network access control which either allows or denies connection requests to IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet networks or IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. OnExit event (n) -  An event triggered when transitioning from a given state regardless of the next state of the transition.


on-hand (adj) -  A quantity type assigned to the quantity of an item that is located in inventory and is available to be sold.


on-hand inventory (n) -  Items that are physically in stock and available to be used or sold.


on-hold fiscal period (n) -  The state of a fiscal period that can be reopened and that prevents its use as a time period classifier for account entries.


onion diagram (n) -  A type of block diagram with concentric and partial layer shapes. online ( Adverb )  -  A state that marks a component in a failover cluster or server cluster as available. When a node is online, it is an active member of the cluster and can own and run clustered services and applications, honor cluster database updates, contribute votes to the quorum algorithm, and maintain heartbeats. Clustered services and applications, and the resources within them, also have an online state.


online (adj) -  Pertaining to a user, a file or a computer currently connected a server.


Online (oth) -  An item on the user's My Status menu. This is a status the user can select while signed in, to make it appear to other users that he is currently online.


Online (PN) -  The status that appears when a user signs in. This status shows this user is available to call and IM on Skype.


Online  -  Connected to the internet, or of the internet.


Online -€“ Experience Can Change (oth) -  A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).


online account (n) -  A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP). online analytical processing (n) -  A technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide rapid access to data for analysis. The source data for OLAP is commonly stored in data warehouses in a relational database.


Online Archive (PN) -  A repository that is separate from the user's mailbox and that allows items to be archived on the server.


Online Certificate Status Protocol (n) -  A protocol that allows real-time validation of a certificate's status by having the CryptoAPI make a call to an OCSP responder and the OCSP responder providing an immediate validation of the revocation status for the presented certificate. Typically, an OCSP responder responds with the revocation status check request based on the certificate revocation list (CRL) or other forms of revocation status it retrieves from the certification authorities.


Online Certificate Status Protocol responder (n) -  A computer on which the Online Responder service and Online Responder web proxy are running.


Online Contacts (n) -  A default contact group name that Communicator uses for all contacts who are currently online.


online content (n) -  Material that has been published on the Internet


online database (n) -  A remote shared database that is synchronized with your local copy. online document storage (n) -  A document library such as SharePoint Online. online event (n) -  An auditorium-style meeting that requires participants to register in order to attend.


online help (n) -  The capability of many programs and operating systems to display advice or instructions for using their features when so requested by the user, as by a screen button or menu item or a function key.


online identity (n) -  A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP). online identity association (n) -  The binding of an online identity with the user account


on a given PC. Once the association exists, the online identity can be used as a pointer to the user account. For example, with remote media connection, the online identity can be used to point to PC names and IP addresses.


online maintenance window (n) -  Period of time during which online maintenance occurs.


online manual (n) -  An electronic version of a user guide or manual that will release with the software.


online meeting (n) -  A collaborative-style meeting.


Online Responder (n) -  A computer on which the Online Responder service and Online Responder web proxy are running.


Online Responder (n) -  A service that is part of the Online Responder role service and that decodes a revocation status request for a specific certificate, evaluates the status of this certificate, and sends back a signed response containing the requested certificate status information.


Online Responder (n) -  A role service installed on a trusted server that receives and responds to individual client requests for information about the status of a certificate. Online Responder role service (n) -  A role service installed on a trusted server that receives and responds to individual client requests for information about the status of a certificate.


Online Responder service (n) -  A service that is part of the Online Responder role service and that decodes a revocation status request for a specific certificate, evaluates the status of this certificate, and sends back a signed response containing the requested certificate status information.


Online Responder snap-in (n) -  A snap-in that allows you to configure and manage revocation configurations and Online Responder Arrays to support public key infrastructure (PKI) clients in diverse environments.


Online Responder web proxy (n) -  The web proxy for the Online Responder that receives and decodes requests, and caches responses for a configurable period of time. online restore (n) -  A restore in which one or more secondary filegroups, files belonging to secondary filegroups, or pages are restored while the database remains online. Online restore is available only in the SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition (including the Evaluation and Developer Editions).


online safety (n) -  The protection of Internet users from phishing fraud, indentity threat, spyware, and malware (malicious software).


online service (n) -  A business that provides access to databases, file archives,


conferences, chat groups, and other forms of information through dial-up, or dedicated communications links, or through the Internet. Most online information services also offer access to the Internet connections along with their own proprietary services. The largest consumer online information services in the U.S. are America Online, CompuServe, and MSN.


online service provider (n) -  A provider of online services like e-mail, messaging, and others (example: Windows Live, Yahoo, Google).


online servicing (n) -  The process of installing packages and other updates to a Windows image that is currently running.


Online Spotlight (n) -  A section of the Business Contact Manager Home page where links to Help topics and other information are provided. The links are included in the Online Spotlight section to call the user's attention to the information.


online status (n) -  The condition of a user that can be displayed to the user's contacts to communicate whether the user is currently online and available, offline and unavailable, and so on.


online storage (n) -  Storage space provided over the Internet that's allotted to users for keeping digital information, such as photos or documents.


online storefront (n) -  A business that displays its merchandise on the Internet and has provisions for contact or online sales.


online support (n) -  Customer assistance in the form of online Knowledge Base articles, FAQs, troubleshooting tools, and other resources. By using Self-help online support, many customers can resolve their issues without contacting Microsoft directly.


online training (n) -  A meeting or recording that is conducted for training purposes. Online Video (PN) -  A feature that lets you insert a video from a web-based source into your document and play it back without leaving the document.


on-media identifier (n) -  A label that is electronically recorded on each medium in a Removable Storage system. Removable Storage uses on-media identifiers to track media in the Removable Storage database.


on-net (adj) -  Pertaining to dialing a number serviced by the user's PBX or Unified Communications deployment.


on-network (adj) -  Pertaining to dialing a number serviced by the user's PBX or Unified Communications deployment.


OnNow Power Initiative (n) -  A system-wide approach to power management. All components can be instantly on or off and work in conjunction with hardware and software components to alter their power state as system use requires. on-object UI (n) -  A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection.


on-object user interface (n) -  A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection. on-premises (adj) -  Pertaining to an application on a local server or client computer, which usually hosts users for business/commercial usage.


on-premises messaging system (n) -  The messaging system that an administrator runs on their own servers in their own company as compared to a messaging system that is run in the cloud (hosted).


on-screen instructions (n) -  Instructions for users displayed on the screen.


on-screen keyboard (n) -  A keyboard representation on the screen that allows users to type using touch, a stylus, or other input device.


on-the-wire compression (n) -  A performance optimization in DPM that reduces the size of data transferred during replica creation and synchronization, thereby increasing the rate of data throughput without negatively affecting network performance.


ontology (n) -  The science of being. It concerns itself with the types and structures of objects, relationships, characteristics, events, processes.


OOBE (n) -  The experience that is presented to end users the first time they start a new computer.


OOBE application (n) -  An application that determines what the out-of-box experience will be.


oobe.xml file (n) -  A content file that can be used to store content to display in the customizable areas of Windows Welcome, Welcome Center, and the Get Connected Wizard.


OOUI (n) -  A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection.


opacity (n) -  The quality that defines how much light passes through an object's pixels. If an object is 100 percent opaque, no light passes through it.


opacity mask (n) -  A path or shape that is applied to another object. The transparent portions of the path represent areas where the underlying image is hidden, whereas the opaque portions of the mask indicate where the masked object is allowed


opaque URL (n) -  A URL that has a scheme that is not followed by two slashes (//).


OPC (PN) -  The specification that describes the requirements for packages and for software that implements package-processing operations.


open (adj) -  Pertaining to the status assigned to records in the system that are in progress. open (v) -  To make an object, such as a file, accessible.


open (adj) -  The state in a period in which activity can occur, the state of an operational process, or the status of a source document.


open appearance (n) -  The visual display of an object when the user opens the object into its own window.


Open Authorization (PN) -  An open standard for authorization which allows users to share resources stored on one site with another site without having to share credentials. open content model (n) -  A set of XML document rules that states that an element in an XML document can have additional child elements and attributes that are not declared in the schema that the document references.


Open Data Services library (n) -  A set of C functions that makes an application a server. ODS library calls respond to requests from a client in a client/server network. Also manages the communication and data between the client and the server. ODS library follows the tabular data stream (TDS) protocol.


Open Database Connectivity (n) -  In the Microsoft WOSA (Windows Open System Architecture) structure, an interface providing a common language for Windows applications to gain access to a database on a network.


open department sale (n) -  The sale of an item that is not tracked individually (e.g. through a barcode or a key on the register).


Open Device Access Model (PN) -  The access model for horizontal solutions, which enables a horizontal strategy. Open Device Access enables many different Windows Store apps to access a specialized device. Examples: a smartphone with multiple apps that synchronize contacts; a pedometer that allows multiple apps to read its data and post it to a website.


open fiscal period (n) -  The state of a fiscal period that allows its use as a time period classifier for account entries.


open generic type (n) -  A constructed generic type in which one or more of the generic type arguments substituted for its generic type parameters is a type parameter of an enclosing generic type or method. Open generic types cannot be instantiated.


Open Geospatial Consortium (PN) -  The standards body that defines standards for describing and communicating geospatial data.


Open Information Model (n) -  An information model published by the Metadata Coalition (MDC) and widely supported by software vendors. The OIM is a formal description of metadata constructs organized by subject area.


open opportunity (n) -  An opportunity that has not yet been won or lost and is at any of the following sales stages: prospecting, qualification, needs analysis, proposal, price quote, negotiation, or review.


open order (n) -  An order that has not yet been posted to the ledger.


Open Packaging Conventions (PN) -  The specification that describes the requirements for packages and for software that implements package-processing operations. open path (n) -  A vector path whose beginning and end points are not the same. open proxy (n) -  A proxy server that accepts connection requests from anyone anywhere and forwards the traffic as if it has originated from the local hosts.


Open Received Files (oth) -  An item on the File menu that opens files that the user has received via Communicator conversations.


open shape (n) -  A shape such as a line, arc, or zigzag. You can format an open shape with line patterns and ends, such as by changing a solid line to a dashed line and adding an arrow to one end.


open shop floor bin (n) -  The bin at a dedicated area that contains items or components that are replenished manually. The items are included on component lists like a production BOM for obtaining an exact registration for cost and invoicing purposes, but they are not important or common enough to include on pick lines.


open shortest path first (n) -  A routing protocol for Internet Protocol (IP) networks. OSPF allows a router to calculate the shortest path to each node for sending messages.


The router sends information on the nodes it is linked to, called link-state advertisements, to other routers on the network to accumulate link-state information to make its calculations.


Open Software Descriptor file (n) -  An XML-based file that instructs the client on how to retrieve the sequenced application from the Application Virtualization Management/Streaming Server and how to run the sequenced application in its virtual environment.


Open Source  -  Software (usually) that is created and distributed with either relaxed or no copyright restrictions.


Open Source  -  Open Source Software is software for which the underlying programming code is available to the users so that they may read it, make changes to it, and build new versions of the software incorporating their changes.


Open Sync Center (v) -  A button that opens Sync Center.


Open Systems Interconnection model (n) -  A networking model introduced by the


International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to promote multi-vendor


interoperability. OSI is a seven-layered conceptual model consisting of the application, presentation, session, transport, network, data-link, and physical layers.


Open the new opportunity (v) -  Check box on Convert to Opportunity dialog box where the user chooses that the opportunity will be opened after they have converted it from a task.


open visit (n) -  In reports, a visit still in progress when a log file stops collecting data. Open with (PN) -  A menu item that lets the user open a document using a different application than the one associated with the document type.


Open XML formats (n) -  An international open standard for word-processing documents, presentations, and spreadsheets that can be freely implemented across multiple applications and platforms.


open-authenticated meeting (n) -  An authenticated-users-only meeting that is open to all users with Active Directory credentials.


opening balance (n) -  The balance of an account at the start of an accounting period. opening balance (n) -  The balance of an account at the beginning of a fiscal period. opening chevron (n) -  The -« character.


opening curly quotation mark (n) -  The -Cir character.


opening date (n) -  The date on which an opening balance is entered.


opening parenthesis (n) -  The ( character.


opening quotation mark (n) -  The -Cir character.


OpenLogic (PN) -  A company that provides open source support, scanning, provisioning and governance solutions so that other companies can leverage open source software safely and efficiently.


OpenType font (n) -  A type of computer font that can be rotated or scaled to any size. OpenType fonts are clear and readable in all sizes and can be sent to any printer or other output device that is supported by Windows.


Openview  -  A line of Hewlett-Packard network management tools offering system, network, desktop, IT service and Internet management functionality.


OpenVPN  -  OpenVPN- is an open source VPN solution. Unlike most VPN systems, OpenVPN uses SSL/TLS to manage and encrypt the connection's data stream.


Opera (n) -  One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. Winamp genre ID # 103.


operand (n) -  Items on either side of an operator in a formula. In Excel, operands can be values, cell references, names, labels, and functions.


operating environment (n) -  The configuration of resources available to the user. Environment refers to the hardware and the operating system running on it. For example, Windows and Macintosh are called windowing environments because they are based on screen regions called windows.


operating system (n) -  The software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, central processing unit (CPU) time, disk space, and peripheral devices. The operating system is the foundation on which programs are built.


Operating System  -  Every computer has an operating system, which is a sort of master


program that runs automatically when you switch the computer on, and continues running till you switch off. It is responsible for the many routine tasks required to keep a computer running : moving the pointer when you move the mouse, providing icons and menus, running other programs such as a word processor or a game which you may request, controlling the various disk drives, the screen and so on. The most widely used PC operating system is Microsoft- Windows.


operating system deployment (n) -  A Configuration Manager feature that allows you to create operating system images and deploy those images to target computers.


Operating System Deployment Manager (n) -  A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can create, deploy, and manage operating system images. operating system volume (n) -  A volume that contains an operating system (for example, Windows Vista) that can be loaded by Windows Boot Manager. A given system can have multiple operating system volumes. The operating system on the current volume can be started only if it has an entry in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD). operating unit (n) -  An organization that divides the control of economic resources and operational processes among people who have a duty to maximize the use of scarce resources, to improve processes, and to account for their performance. operation (n) -  In mathematics, an action performed on a set of entities that produces a new entity. Examples of mathematical operations are addition and subtraction. operation (n) -  A specific action carried out by a computer in the process of executing a program.


operation (n) -  A specific task in the manufacturing process.


operation (n) -  A request or request-response pairing on a port that is associated with either a send or receive action.


operation type (n) -  Information that is requested on the resource managed by ILM through the Web service. This includes information on creating and deleting objects, and reading and modifying object attributes. In addition, Add/Remove operations let you apply further control to the modify operation to control only addition of attributes or their removal.


operational data (n) -  Data that is collected, typically in log files, on a daily or other periodic basis. After it is collected, operational data is often imported into the Data Warehouse.


operational database (oth) -  A SQL Server 2008 database, by default named


OperationsManager, which stores configuration data, operations data, and security data. operational log (n) -  A log that contains information about operations carried out by a computer in the process of executing a program.


operational workflow (n) -  A workflow that is synchronous and starts immediately. Operations Administrator (n) -  A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can perform all actions in Configuration Manager except for those that are required to manage security.


Operations console (n) -  The Operations Manager interface that you use to perform monitoring, administration, authoring, and reporting functions. operations journal entry (n) -  A record of the operational and legal consequences of a resource flow event.


Operations Manager Connector Framework (PN) -  An interface to the System Center Data Access service that allows applications to synchronously communicate with the root management server.


Operations Manager database (n) -  A SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 database, named OperationsManager by default, which stores configuration data, operations data, and security data.


Operations Manager Health Explorer (n) -  A feature of Operations Manager that allows you to view and then take action on alerts, state changes, and other significant issues generated by monitoring objects on your network.


Operations Manager object (n) -  A member of a class of elements managed by Operations Manager. For example, an Operations Manager Computer object could refer to a particular computer that is a member of the Operations Manager Computer class. Operations Manager reporting server (n) -  The server role that is responsible for building and presenting reports.


Operations Manager Shell (PN) -  A customized instance of Windows PowerShell that provides a collection of Operations Manager-specific cmdlets.


operations master (n) -  A domain controller that has been assigned one or more special roles in an Active Directory domain.


operations network (n) -  An organization of operations that synchronizes the


dependencies between operations based on starting/ending times, costs, and other criteria. The organization forms a network that follows the manufacturing process from beginning to end. The three types of networks are simple network, simultaneous operations network, and complex network.


operations register (n) -  A register that is used to record the operational and legal consequences of resource flow events in an accounting system.


operations resource (n) -  An economic resource provided by products that flow into or flow out of operations activities.


operator (n) -  A person who controls a machine or system, such as a computer or telephone switchboard.


operator (n) -  A sign or symbol that specifies the type of calculation to perform within an expression. There are mathematical, comparison, logical, and reference operators. operator (n) -  An element of a filter that specifies a relationship between data values, such as comparison or equality.


operator (n) -  An atomic unit of a query as scheduled by the StreamInsight server to process the events on which the query is applied. Examples include SELECT, PROJECT, AGGREGATE, UNION, TOP K and JOIN. Operators are fully composable and have a specific number of inputs and outputs. See Other Terms: query, query template, composable.


operator (n) -  An object that processes and enhances items in a content processing flow and processes and enhances queries in a query processing flow. operator overloading (n) -  The assignment of more than one function to a particular operator, with the implication that the operation performed will vary depending on the data type (operands) involved. Some languages, such as Ada and C++, specifically allow for operator overloading.


operator procedure (n) -  A series of Visual Basic statements that define the behavior of a standard operator (such as *, <> or And) on a class or structure you have defined. This is also called operator overloading.


OPK (n) -  A set of tools, documentation, and samples that enable OEMs to preinstall Windows efficiently on new computers according to the terms of the OEM Licensing Agreement.


OPML (n) -  An XML format for outlines.


OPOS (n) -  A widely-adopted POS device standard initiated by Microsoft, NCR, Epson, and Fujitsu-ICL to help integrate POS hardware into applications for the Windows-,,^ family of operating systems.


OPP (n) -  The software infrastructure that links several components and runs them in sequence.


opportunistic lock (n) -  A lock placed by a client on a file residing on a server. Opportunities Referred By (n) -  A field that holds the name of the person who provided the opportunity.


opportunity (n) -  A potential revenue-generating event, or sale to an account, that needs to be tracked through a sales process to completion.


opportunity competitor (n) -  A competitor to a particular sales opportunity.


opportunity funnel (n) -  Opportunities grouped by sales stage. If viewed in a chart format, the groupings could resemble an abstract funnel. The wide end consists of leads. The narrow end consists of actual sales.


Opportunity Record (n) -  The location for storing opportunity information, including information that is entered on the Opportunity form, linked records, and history items. opportunity relationship (n) -  In a relationship role, a relationship between a customer (account or contact) and an opportunity.


Opportunity Type (PN) -  A field on the Details tab of the Create New Opportunity screen that allows the user to categorize a sales opportunity.


Opposing Arrows (PN) -  A SmartArt graphic layout used to show two opposing ideas, or ideas that diverge from a central point. Each of the first two lines of Level 1 text corresponds to an arrow. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts.


opposite account (n) -  An account used to balance the gross amount in part or in whole of one or more referenced accounts in an accounting equation.


opt in (oth) -  To explicitly consent to participate. Typically used in marketing programs and offerings, whereby an action (such as the use of personal information beyond the original, primary purpose for which it was collected) is not undertaken unless an individual explicitly consents. An element of choice.


opt out (v) -  To explicitly decline to participate. Typically used in marketing programs and offerings, whereby an action (such as the use of personal information beyond the original, primary purpose for which it was collected) is undertaken unless an individual explicitly declines. An element of choice.


optical character recognition (n) -  A method of translating images of printed text into machine-encoded text.


optical character recognition line (n) -  A line of characters that is read by special character recognition equipment and translated into computer text.


optical coherence tomography (n) -  An imaging method used to obtain high resolution cross-sectional images of the retina.


optical zoom (n) -  The adjustment of the magnification of a content area or an object (such as a photograph). Developers can specify CSS (using just one line) to enable an element to be zoomed by the user via touch, mouse, and keyboard. This is visually zooming in on an image or document, etc.. When you zoom, the thing you're looking at gets bigger, maintaining proportionality


optimistic concurrency (n) -  A type of locking in which the data page or row containing one or more records (rows) — (including the data being edited) — is unavailable to other users only while the data is being updated, but is available between the Edit and Update operations.


optimistic concurrency (n) -  A method of managing concurrency by using a cached object's version information. Because every update to an object changes its version number, using version information prevents the update from overwriting someone else's changes.


optimistic duration (n) -  The best-case possibility for the total span of active working time expected for a task, that is, the amount of time from the optimistic start to optimistic finish of a task.


optimization (n) -  The process of a compiler or assembler in producing efficient executable code.


optimization (n) -  In programming, the process of producing more efficient (smaller or faster) programs through selection and design of data structures, algorithms, and instruction sequences.


optimize (v) -  To configure a device or application so that it performs better. For example, to fine-tune a program so that it runs more quickly or takes up less space. optimize synchronization (n) -  An option in merge replication that allows you to minimize network traffic when determining whether recent changes have caused a row to move into or out of a partition that is published to a Subscriber.


optimized HTML (n) -  An HTML code that doesn't contain unnecessary formatting or tags.


optimized palette (n) -  A palette that you create and fill yourself. After you create an optimized palette, you can modify the colors in it or remove the palette altogether. optimized patching (n) -  A process that reduces the time that is required to apply updates to installed applications whereby only the parts of an application that are modified by an update actually change.


optimizing compiler (n) -  A compiler that analyzes its output (assembly language or machine code) to produce more efficient (smaller or faster) instruction sequences. optimizing on capacity (n) -  A limited capacity situation where production is scheduled around existing reservations for work centers. Production begins when capacity becomes available.


option button (n) -  A standard control that allows a user to select from a fixed set of mutually exclusive choices.


option group (n) -  A frame that can contain check boxes, toggle buttons, and option buttons on a form, report, or data access page. You use an option group to present alternatives from which the user can select a single option.


option ROM (n) -  Firmware called by the system BIOS during the PC boot process. option set (n) -  A type of field that contains a set of options.


optional (adj) -  Pertaining to a component, parameter and so on that is not required or automatic.


optional attendee (n) -  A person who is not required to attend a meeting.


optional field (n) -  A field that need not contain a value when a record is updated or inserted into the database.


optional hyphen (n) -  A hyphen that is used to control where a word or phrase breaks if it falls at the end of a line. For example, you can specify that the word nonprinting' breaks as ‘non-printing' rather than ‘nonprint-ing.”


optional section (n) -  A control on a form that contains other controls and that usually does not appear by default. Users can insert and remove optional sections when filling out the form.


Options (n) -  A menu choice in many applications that allows the user to specify how the program will act each time it is used. For example, the user may be allowed to specify which view will be used when opening a file, or the default location in which certain file types will be saved.


Options (PN) -  A UI element that opens the Options dialog box, where the user can change Lync or Communicator settings and preferences.


option-set appearance (n) -  The visual display for a control when its value is set. opt-out list (n) -  A list of users who have chosen to opt-out of a mailing list.


OPX (n) -  An organization chart file format with file extension .opx.


OR (n) -  A logical operation for combining two bits (0 or 1) or two Boolean values (false or true). If one or both values are 1 (true), it returns the value 1 (true).


OR constraint (n) -  An indicator of a situation in which any instance of a class can participate in only one association at one time. The constraint is shown as a dashed line connecting two or more associations, which must have a class in common.


Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (PN) -  The edition of the Oracle Database for customers deploying private database clouds and for SaaS vendors who need a secure and isolated multitenant model.


Oracle WebLogic Server Enterprise (PN) -  The enterprise edition of the Oracle WebLogic Server product for high availability and superior diagnostic capabilities. It includes all the features and benefits of Oracle WebLogic Server Standard Edition plus clustering technology, multi-domain management, and comprehensive diagnostic tooling. Oracle WebLogic Server Standard (PN) -  The Standard edition of the Oracle WebLogic Server product that provides developers with the tools and technologies to write enterprise applications and services quickly. In production, Oracle WebLogic Server Standard Edition provides operations teams with the administration capabilities to keep enterprise applications and services up and running.


orange book  -  The format that enables CD-R drives to record discs that regular CD-ROM players can read. Orange Book defines how CD-R devices can append index data to an existing disc's directory if you add more data to the disc in multiple sessions.


orange book  -


Orange filter (n) -  One of the most common filters used in B&W photography. Increases contrast more than the yellow filter.


Orange Hues (PN) -  One of the background colors on the Screen Saver Settings dialog


box that consists of a range of orange colors.


orbit (v) -  To move the camera around a 3D object.


orbit (n) -  A number assigned to a parked call by the call park server.


orchestration (n) -  An executable business process.


Orchestration console (n) -  A web-based console that you can use to start, stop, and view information about runbooks.


orchestration database (n) -  The Oracle or SQL Server database where configuration information, runbooks, and logs are stored.


Orchestration Designer (n) -  A graphical user-interface tool used to design and implement business processes.


orchestration instance (n) -  A running instance of a specific executable business process. Orchestrator Integration Toolkit (PN) -  A set of software tools that you can use to create custom integration packs.


Orchestrator Management Server (PN) -  The computer that provides the


communication layer between the Runbook Designer and the orchestration database. Orchestrator Management Service (PN) -  The service that is responsible for maintaining the orchestration database, communicating with the Runbook Designers, and


communicating with the Deployment Manager.


Orchestrator Orchestration Console (PN) -  A web application that runs runbooks. It requires the Orchestrator web service to connect to the orchestration database. Orchestrator Runbook Server (PN) -  A server role that processes the activities for a running instance of a runbook and publishes any activity data.


Orchestrator Runbook Server Monitor (PN) -  A service that is installed on the management server to monitor the health of runbook servers.


Orchestrator Runbook Service (PN) -  A service that is installed on each runbook server that runs runbooks and communicates with the orchestration database. order (n) -  The front-to-back placement of an object relative to other objects in a picture or document.


order (v) -  To arrange in a sequence, such as alphabetic or numeric.


order (n) -  A confirmed request for delivery of goods and services based on specified


terms. An order is a quote that has been accepted by a customer.


order (n) -  An online purchase submitted by a user to your Web site.


order (n) -  The order in which objects are placed in a layer. An object higher in the stack


will cover up (appear on top of) one lower in the stack.


order discount (n) -  A fixed amount or percentage deducted that applies to an order total. order entry (n) -  A method of capturing sales orders and purchase orders using a software application.


order form object (n) -  The object that stores state data about the current, and possibly historical, purchases of a particular customer.


order header (n) -  The part of a sales order or purchase order that applies to the entire order.


order ID (n) -  A number that the system assigns to an order for identification purposes. order line (n) -  The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item.


order processing pipeline (n) -  The software infrastructure that links several components and runs them in sequence.


order status code (n) -  A numerical data code that identifies the types of order status used on your Web site. For example, you may create order status codes to define saved orders, deleted orders, or unprocessed orders.


ordered set (n) -  A set of members returned in a specific order.


ordered test (n) -  A test that contains other tests, which are run in a specific order. OrderForm header (n) -  The logical grouping of fields at the root of the OrderForm that map to the OrderFormHeader table in the Commerce Server Data Warehouse. ordinal number (n) -  A number whose form indicates position in an ordered sequence of items, such as first, third, or twentieth.


ordinary character (n) -  In regular expressions, any valid character that does not have a special meaning in the current regular expression grammar.


org chart (n) -  A diagram that is used to show hierarchical relationships; for example, company management and employee structures. organization (n) -  The top level of a business hierarchy.


organization (n) -  A work structure that divides the responsibility for economic resources and processes.


organization chart (n) -  A diagram that is used to show hierarchical relationships; for example, company management and employee structures.


Organization Chart (PN) -  A SmartArt graphic layout used to show hierarchical information or reporting relationships in an organization. The assistant shape and the Org Chart hanging layouts are available with this layout.


Organization Chart Add-in for Microsoft-® Office programs (n) -  Microsoft supplemental software that enables users to create and edit organization charts in Microsoft Office programs.


organization claim (n) -  A claim in intermediate or normalized form within an organization's namespace.


Organization Configuration node (PN) -  In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that administrators use to configure administrative access roles for users or groups.


organization hierarchy (n) -  A structure that orders organizations using a superordinate- subordinate relationship.


organization model (n) -  Internal control, data access, and performance reporting structures designed to divide responsibility for human and operations resources and work processes.


organization profile (n) -  A set of properties that describe a company, division, department, or other business unit within a company. For example, name, account number, spending limits, company discount, and so forth, are all properties that can constitute an organization profile.


Organizational Health report (n) -  A report that provides you a quick view of your organization and its operating characteristics. This includes health and licensing information, and also a summary of the Exchange servers and recipients. organizational unit (n) -  A type of entry that is used specifically for storing information on a section of an organization. It can represent a department or a group of people, for example, ou = Accounting Dept.


organizational unit (n) -  An Active Directory container object used within domains. An organizational unit is a logical container into which users, groups, computers, and other organizational units are placed. It can contain objects only from its parent domain. An organizational unit is the smallest scope to which a Group Policy object (GPO) can be linked, or over which administrative authority can be delegated.


organizationally unique identifier (n) -  An unique identifier assigned to organizations and managed by the IEEE.


Organizations page (n) -  The page in the Administration Center that details all hosted organizations in a customer's account.


Organizer (n) -  A user who can schedule meetings, send invitations, do all the sharing activities in a meeting, and admit participants from the lobby.


organizer (n) -  A user who can schedule meetings, send invitations, do all the sharing activities in a meeting, and admit participants from the lobby.


orientation (n) -  The direction a publication will be printed on a sheet of paper. You can choose either portrait, which is the taller-than-wide orientation, or landscape, which is the wider-than-tall orientation.


orientation (n) -  The alignment of an item, such as a control.


origin (n) -  The zero points of the axes of any coordinate system used to draw graphical objects. In 2-D the origin is (0, 0).


origin object (n) -  An object in a repository that is the origin in a directional relationship.


origin server (n) -  A server on which a given resource resides.


origin set (n) -  A set in which a resource belonged prior to a change in that resource's




original design manufacturer (n) -  A manufacturer that designs and manufactures its own products and sells them to other companies with established brand names. Established brand name companies add their logos and sell ODM products as their own. original sales invoice (n) -  A sales invoice that is created from an original sales order. original sales order (n) -  A normal sales order that is created in an intercompany company for an external customer and that automatically generates intercompany orders. originating currency (n) -  The currency in which a business exchange is transacted and recorded.


Originating Lead (n) -  A look-up field in the opportunity, account, and contact forms in which users select the lead that was originally identified as a sales opportunity and that lead to the current opportunity, account, or contact.


originator (n) -  The person who started a workflow.


orphan (n) -  The first line of a paragraph printed by itself at the bottom of a page. orphan line (n) -  The first line of a paragraph printed by itself at the bottom of a page. orphaned client (n) -  A client that cannot communicate with its assigned site.


orphaned resource (n) -  A Virtual Machine Manager library resource on a library server that has been removed from VMM, but the resource is still used in a virtual machine template or a service template.


orphaned term (n) -  A term that was reused and whose source term was deleted. orthographic camera (n) -  A camera that preserves the relative sizes of objects. Building plans typically use this projection because of this lack of distortion. It can also be useful for certain kinds of data visualization, such as bar charts.


OS upgrade mode (n) -  The options for applying guest OS upgrades to the VMs.


Available options are automatic, in which the OS is upgraded whenever a new guest OS is released in Microsoft Azure, and manual, in which the user chooses when to upgrade the VMs and what guest OS version to upgrade to.


OS/2 (n) -  A protected-mode, virtual memory, multitasking operating system for personal computers based on the Intel 80286, 80386, i486, and Pentium processors. OS/2 can run most MS-DOS-based programs and can read all MS-DOS disks.


OS/2  -  (Operating System 2)- A rival PC- operating system- to Microsoft Windows, produced by IBM in the 1990s. It still has a small, dedicated core of supporters, but didn't catch on and for most purposes is obsolete.


OSC (PN) -  A set of features that incorporates elements of social networking into the Outlook experience. It provides relevant contextual information about the people whom users interact with in Outlook, based on local data (e-mail and calendar items) and social activity (news feeds and status updates).


OSD file (n) -  An XML-based file that instructs the client on how to retrieve the sequenced application from the Application Virtualization Management/Streaming Server and how to run the sequenced application in its virtual environment.


OSD Source Root (n) -  A registry key that allows specification of a source location for OSD file retrieval for an application package during publication. OSD Source Roots only support UNC formats (not URLs).


OSI (n) -  A networking model introduced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to promote multi-vendor interoperability. OSI is a seven-layered conceptual model consisting of the application, presentation, session, transport, network, data-link, and physical layers.


OSI model (n) -  A networking model introduced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to promote multi-vendor interoperability. OSI is a seven-layered conceptual model consisting of the application, presentation, session, transport, network, data-link, and physical layers.


OSP (n) -  A provider of online services like e-mail, messaging, and others (example: Windows Live, Yahoo, Google).


OSPF (n) -  A routing protocol for Internet Protocol (IP) networks. OSPF allows a router to calculate the shortest path to each node for sending messages. The router sends information on the nodes it is linked to, called link-state advertisements, to other routers on the network to accumulate link-state information to make its calculations.


OTB (PN) -  A Visual J# feature that is designed for simple object-level testing.


OTC (oth) -  Medication which is available without a prescription.


Other (n) -  One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows


Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID # 12.


Other Contacts (PN) -  A default contact group name that Lync and Communicator use for all contacts who have not been placed in a user-defined contact group. other e-mail address (n) -  The address by which a Exchange Server recipient object is recognized in a foreign messaging system. In Outlook Live, proxy addresses let people receive e-mail that is sent to different e-mail addresses.


Other Phone (PN) -  A button in the Options dialog box, on the Personal tab, that the user clicks to enter a phone number other than a work, home, or mobile phone number. otherwise element (n) -  A logical ‘else' statement in a workflow that defines an alternative action in all cases that do not match the criteria defined in condition or branch elements.


OTP (n) -  Passwords produced by special password generating software or by a hardware token and that can be used only once.


OTP (oth) -  A government transaction portal for the Netherlands that promotes and supports electronic communication between businesses and government agencies.


OTS (oth) -  A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session.


OUI (n) -  An unique identifier assigned to organizations and managed by the IEEE. out of band management (n) -  A feature in Configuration Manager that allows computers to be managed outside standard management channels by connecting to a supported management controller. This management channel is independent from the Configuration Manager client and the operating system.


out of band management console (n) -  An administrative console that provides powerful administrative control for AMT-based computers, including tasks such as power on and off, check system information and status, boot from an alternative location, reconfigure BIOS settings, and run commands and character-based diagnostic applications. out of band service point (n) -  A Configuration Manager site system that has the role of provisioning computers for out of band management.


out of memory (n) -  Running low on memory.


Out of Office (PN) -  A status that can be applied to blocks of time in a user's Calendar to indicate that the user will be away.


Out of office (PN) -  A presence status displayed when a user sets up an Out of Office auto-reply in Microsoft Outlook. If the user doesn't have a personal note, their Outlook Out of Office message will appear as their personal note.


Out of Office Assistant (PN) -  A tool that allows the user to configure auto-replies.


Out of Office message (n) -  The auto-reply text specified using Outlook's Automatic Replies or Out of Office Assistant.


Outage  -  The time when a computer system, telecoms facilities, mains electricity supplies, etc. are unavailable for use due to some failure. Also known as downtime. Planned outages are scheduled in advance. outRages are what happens when they are not. Outbound area (n) -  The area on the Organizations page that displays outbound addresses when the service is configured and set up. Hosted customers need to request EHS


Technical Support to add or remove addresses that are currently subject to outbound EHS filtering.


outbound attribute flow (n) -  The direction that the attribute flow takes when going from ILM to a connected system.


outbound dock (n) -  The platform in a warehouse where goods are loaded for shipment out of the warehouse.


Outbound Mail Server IPs (n) -  A list on the Organizations page that displays all outbound IP addresses that have been configured to use the outbound scanning services in the Hosted Filtering network.


outbound port (n) -  A port for servicing outbound requests.


outbound router (n) -  An application on the front-end server that manages the routing of outbound messages from unified communications users.


outbound translation rule (n) -  A rule that converts phone numbers to the local dialing format for interaction with private branch exchange (PBX) systems. outbox (n) -  A folder that stores messages that have been created but not yet sent. Outcome (PN) -  A field on the Partner Details form that allows the user to select the result of a sales opportunity.


outdent (n) -  An indent where the text is displaced into the left margin if text direction is set to left-to-right, or toward the right margin if text direction is set to right-to-left. outdent (v) -  To move a task to a higher outline level [to the left] in the Task Name field. outdialing (n) -  A process in which Unified Messaging dials calls. Unified Messaging generally receives calls, but sometimes dials calls. For example, outdialing occurs when Unified Messaging transfers a call to an auto attendant or a subscriber uses Play-on-Phone from Outlook.


Outdoor (adj) -  The name of a device profile that handles incoming calls by using certain notification settings specified by the user.


outer glow (n) -  An effect that applies a halo of color around the perimeter of an object. outer join (n) -  A join that includes all the rows from the joined tables that meet the search conditions, even rows from one table for which there is no matching row in the other join table.


Outgoing (PN) -  A label that indicates a call made from the phone.


outgoing call (n) -  An attempt by a user to originate communication with a second party. outgoing call (n) -  A call that originates from your mobile device. outgoing line (n) -  The phone line being used to place phone calls.


outgoing message (n) -  A message that can be sent to one or more recipients across one or more messaging systems or be posted to a folder in a message store.


Outgoing Number (n) -  A string that appears in the conversation window status bar to display the number the user is currently calling.


outline (n) -  Worksheet data in which rows or columns of detail data are grouped so that you can create summary reports. The outline can summarize either an entire worksheet or a selected portion of it.


outline code (n) -  A custom tag that users define for tasks or resources to allow them to show a hierarchy of the tasks in their project that is different from WBS codes or outline numbers. You can create up to 10 sets of custom outline codes in your project.


outline effect (n) -  An effect that applies to the exterior border around each character of your text or shape.


outline font (n) -  A font (type design) stored in a computer or printer as a set of outlines for drawing each of the alphabetic and other characters in a character set. Outline fonts are templates rather than actual patterns of dots and are scaled up or down to match a particular type size.


outline layout view (n) -  A view that shows the headings of a document indented to represent their level in the document's structure. You can also use this view to work with master documents.


outline level (n) -  Paragraph formatting you can use to assign a hierarchical level (Level 1 through Level 9) to paragraphs in your document. For example, after you assign outline levels, you can work with the document in outline view or in the Document Map. outline level (n) -  The number of levels that a task is indented from the top level of the outline. You can indent tasks up to 65,000 levels in Project.


outline number (n) -  A number that indicates the exact position of a task in an outline.


For example, a task with an outline number of 7.2 indicates that it's the second subtask under the seventh top-level summary task.


outline numbered list (n) -  A list created to apply a hierarchical structure to any list or document. A document can have up to nine levels, and Microsoft Office Word does not apply built-in heading styles to the items in the list.


Outline Processor Markup Language (n) -  An XML format for outlines.


outline symbol (n) -  A symbol that is displayed beside a paragraph in outline view. You can use the symbol to display or hide subordinate levels of text and to reorganize text quickly.


Outlook 2016 (PN) -  The year 2016 edition of Outlook.


Outlook add-in (n) -  A tool that enables the integration of an application with Outlook. Outlook Address Book (n) -  An address book that is automatically created from contacts in the Contacts folder. The contacts can be people inside and outside of your organization. When you update your contacts, the Outlook Address Book is updated as well.


Outlook Anywhere (PN) -  A feature that enables the user to access Outlook data over the Internet without a VPN connection.


Outlook Calendar (PN) -  The Outlook app that facilitates the management of events. Outlook Connector Pack (PN) -  Software that enables management of Hotmail email, calendar, and contacts from within Outlook.


Outlook E-Mail Postmark (n) -  A computational proof that Outlook applies to outgoing messages to help recipient messaging systems distinguish legitimate e-mail from junk e­mail.


Outlook e-mail profile (n) -  Information that Outlook uses to remember the e-mail accounts and the settings that tell Outlook where your e-mail is stored.


Outlook for Mac (PN) -  The version of Outlook that runs on the Mac operating system. Outlook for Mac data file (n) -  A file exported by Outlook for Mac that contains a user's e-mail messages, contacts, calendar events, and other information.


Outlook for Mac for Office 365 (PN) -  The version of Outlook from Office 365 that runs on the Mac operating system.


Outlook for Mac Preview (PN) -  The public preview of Outlook for Mac.


Outlook integration (n) -  Connectivity between Lync or Office Communicator, and Outlook where Lync or Office Communicator receives data from Outlook to make the functions of Lync or Office Communicator work.


Outlook item (n) -  The basic element that holds information in Outlook (similar to a file in other programs). Items include e-mail messages, appointments, contacts, tasks, journal entries, notes, posted items, and documents.


Outlook Live Management Agent (PN) -  The Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Outlook Live. It is an ILM component that consists of properties, rules, and rules extensions that determine how an object is processed.


Outlook Mail (PN) -  The Outlook app for sending and receiving email.


Outlook Mail and Calendar (PN) -  The two Microsoft apps that allow users to send and receive mail, as well as manage events.


Outlook Mail and Outlook Calendar (PN) -  The two Microsoft apps that allow users to send and receive mail, as well as manage events.


Outlook Mobile Service (PN) -  A feature in Outlook that is used to create and send text messages as well as multimedia messages to a mobile device from within Outlook in a manner similar to e-mail messages.


Outlook on the web (PN) -  The Microsoft Office application-€”for use by both consumer and commercial users-€”that provides access to email, a personal calendar, group scheduling, task management, and collaboration applications via a web browser, running on Microsoft Exchange Server.


Outlook profile (n) -  A defined set of values that Microsoft Office Outlook uses to keep track of user accounts.


Outlook Synchronization (PN) -  The Outlook functionality which provides an interface for adjusting synchronization settings, specifying troubleshooting options, and performing the synchronization process.


Outlook Synchronization user (n) -  A person whose permissions are limited to setting up, viewing, and filtering synchronization-related data. The user cannot modify or remove any synchronization-related objects.


Outlook Today (PN) -  A unique view for displaying appointments, tasks, and other information in the form of a Web page. You can customize the Outlook Today page for your organization, or for individuals or groups within your organization, to display the information most relevant to them.


Outlook Voice Access (n) -  A feature that allows a Unified Messaging-enabled user to access their Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox over the telephone. Users can navigate through their mailboxes by using telephone-key or Speech input.


Outlook Web Access Light (n) -  A lightweight version of Outlook Web Access optimized for accessibility and compatibility with the widest array of browsers and operating systems.


Outlook.com (PN) -  The free web-based email service from Microsoft.


out-of-band access (n) -  Access to host via a connection that doesn't use the IP network. out-of-box experience (n) -  The experience that is presented to end users the first time they start a new computer.


out-of-box experience application (n) -  An application that determines what the out-of­box experience will be.


out-of-browser (n) -  Pertaining to, or characteristic of, a Silverlight-based application that a user installs from a Web page and runs outside the browser.


out-of-order screen (n) -  The screen that covers the entire device, computer, or Surface unit screen when they are out of order. This screen might appear when the current application fails and stops responding or when an administrator remotely logs on the unit for maintenance. When this screen appears, users see a sequence of images and text that indicates that the system is not currently working.


out-of-process component (n) -  A component that runs in a separate process space from its client.


out-of-stock (adj) -  Describes an item that is not in inventory.


outpatient (n) -  A patient who has been admitted to a hospital or other health care facility for treatment that does not require an overnight stay.


output (n) -  A part, subassembly, or product that is produced by a manufacturing process or resource.


output adapter (n) -  An adapter that receives events processed by the server, transforms the events into a format expected by the output device (a database, text file, PDA, or other device), and emits the data to that device.


output device (n) -  Any peripheral which purpose is to convey information from a computer to a user in the form of text, images, sounds or other.


output file (n) -  The packaged Windows Media file that is created with Windows Media Rights Manager SDK.


output GB (n) -  A unit of measure to charge for the Windows Azure Media Services Encoder based on the amount of data encoded (in GB).


output parameter (n) -  A parameter containing data that the server application is transmitting to the client application.


output product (n) -  The physical products that result from an activity.


output stream (n) -  A flow of information that leaves a computer system and is associated with a particular task or destination.


output VAT (n) -  The tax on an organization's sales, which is levied on the sales price. Output Window (PN) -  A window that displays status messages for various features in the integrated development environment (IDE).


outrigger table (n) -  A table in the data warehouse that supports enumerations and that captures distinct values from a non-enumeration string property of a class. outside line access code (n) -  The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9.


Outside Voice Control (PN) -  The application that connects a mobile device to the enterprise network. Outside Voice Control enables mobile devices that are running the mobile application of Lync Server or Office Communicator Mobile to send and receive calls that come through the enterprise network, in addition to calls that come through the mobile carrier network.


outside-in activation (n) -  A technique that requires a user to perform an explicit activation command to interact with the content of an embedded object.


outsourcing (n) -  The assignment of tasks to independent contractors, such as individual consultants or service bureaus. Tasks such as data entry and programming are often performed via outsourcing.


OVC (n) -  Configuration objects that are used to render UI in the Universal Object


Control for authoring a specific object type in ILM 2'.'


over the counter (oth) -  Medication which is available without a prescription.


Over The Shoulder (oth) -  A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session.


Overage Data Points (n) -  A method of measuring bandwith usage based on samples that allows users to exceed a specified threshold for brief periods of time without any financial penalty.


overallocation (n) -  The result of assigning more tasks to a resource than the resource can accomplish in the working time available.


overdelivery (n) -  A limit, specified as a percentage of quantity ordered, for how much the purchaser will accept over the amount ordered. Overdelivery typically applies to bulk items.


overdue ( Adverb )  -  An account status indicating that payments are late or not yet received.


overfitting (n) -  A problem in data mining when random variations in data are misclassified as important patterns. Overfitting often occurs when the data set is too small to represent the real world.


overflow (n) -  The condition that occurs when data resulting from input or processing requires more bits than have been provided in hardware or software to store the data. Examples of overflow include a floating-point operation whose result is too large for the number of bits allowed for the exponent, a string that exceeds the bounds of the array allocated for it, and an integer operation whose result contains too many bits for the register into which it is to be stored.


overflow (v) -  To be filled beyond capacity.


overflow (n) -  The part of a data item that cannot be stored because the data exceeds the capacity of the available data structure.


overflow (n) -  Text that does not fit within a text box. The text is hidden until it can be flowed into a new text box, or until the text box it overflows is resized to include it. overflow  -  In telephony, excess traffic, on a particular route, that is offered to another (alternate) route.


overflow  -  In computing, a condition where data is presented to a buffer or port faster than it can be processed, resulting in lost data.


overflow area (n) -  An area that holds overflow text and is not visible on the screen. overflow chevron (n) -  The double angle bracket denoting an overflow button control. overflow crumb (n) -  A subfolder in the breadcrumb bar's overflow menu. overflow text (n) -  Text that does not fit within a text box. The text is hidden until it can be flowed into a new text box, or until the text box it overflows is resized to include it. overhead (n) -  Work or information that provides support - possibly critical support-for a computing process but is not an intrinsic part of the operation or data. Overhead often adds to processing time but is generally necessary.


overhead time (n) -  The estimated total time spent in instrumentation overhead. Overheidstransactiepoort (n) -  A government transaction portal for the Netherlands that promotes and supports electronic communication between businesses and government agencies.


overlap (v) -  To extend over and cover a part of something.


overlap (n) -  A method of scheduling production so that one operation begins at one work center while another operation is still incomplete at another work center. overlap mark (n) -  A mark that indicates the overlap area for lining up adjacent pages in a large publication, such as a poster or banner.


overlapped animations (n) -  More than one animation storyboard that runs at the same time. If the storyboards animate the same property, then the second animation takes over changing the property. If there is no keyframe set at the zero second mark of the second animation, then a smooth transition called a hand off' occurs. Otherwise


overlapped window (n) -  A top-level window that has a title bar, border, and client area; it is meant to serve as an application's main window. It can also have a window menu, minimize and maximize buttons, and scroll bars.


overlay (n) -  A UI or media segment that can display on top of or play concurrently with another UI or media segment.


overload (v) -  Declare at least two versions of a method that have the same name but different signatures.


overpick (n) -  A pick where the quantity handled is higher than the required quantity of the source document.


overprint (v) -  To print an element of one color over one of another color without removing, or knocking out, the material underneath.


overprinting (n) -  The process of printing an element of one color over one of another color without removing, or knocking out, the material underneath. override (v) -  To prevent something from happening in a program or in an operating system. For example, a user can often override and thus abort a lengthy sorting procedure in a database program by pressing the Escape key.


override (v) -  To initiate another response.


override (n) -  A mechanism by which the default behavior of a rule, monitor, or discovery can be changed for a specific target, group, or object.


override criteria (n) -  Selected target and value pairs that specify when a rule does not apply to a value pair.


override management pack (n) -  A set of files for use with System Center Operations Manager to store overrides and change the default behavior of a rule, monitor, or discovery for a specific target, group, or object.


Override Price (PN) -  An option that allows the user to manually enter a price per unit to a product that is added to a quote, order, or invoice from the product catalog. oversampling (n) -  The process of selecting more data rows that contain an underrepresented value so that the value is analyzed by the data mining model. overtime (n) -  The amount of work on an assignment that is scheduled beyond the regular working hours of an assigned resource and charged at the overtime rate.


Overture  -  Yahoo Search Marketing service after acquiring Overture Services, Inc. (formerly GoTo.com)


overtype mode (n) -  A setting in which existing characters are replaced with newly typed characters.


Overview (n) -  The main pages in Microsoft Office Live where subscribers can view and access their services as well as statistics regarding their accounts.


overview page (n) -  The page displayed for all workspaces except the Software workspace and encompassing the rightmost pane, displays status summaries, and including a Tasks area and a Search box.


overview ruler (n) -  In Eclipse for Visual Studio, the bar on the right side of the editor, which includes color-coded marks that indicate where warnings, errors, tasks, and search matches are within the current file for navigating files that do not fit entirely in the editor. overwrite (v) -  To replace the existing data with the new one.


Overwrite  -  Replace a computer file such as a document or picture with a newer version, destroying the earlier version. If you make changes to a document and save it with the same filename, the previous version is overwritten and usually cannot be restored. owner (n) -  The role that controls how permissions are set on objects and can grant permissions to other roles.


owner (n) -  In the Macintosh environment, an owner is the user responsible for setting permissions for a folder on a server. A Macintosh user who creates a folder on the server automatically becomes the owner of the folder, and can then transfer ownership to someone else. Each Macintosh-accessible volume on the server also has an owner. owner (n) -  The user who is responsible for a particular record in the system. The owner is frequently allowed to perform actions on the record that other users cannot.


owner draw (n) -  A rendering mode in which you take responsibility for drawing a


control, rather than relying on the control's default rendering behavior.


owner draw mode (n) -  A rendering mode in which you take responsibility for drawing a


control, rather than relying on the control's default rendering behavior.


owner information (n) -  Personal data (such as name, phone number, e-mail address and


notes) about the person who possesses the device.


owner password (n) -  A password that the user sets when the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is enabled. An owner password is required to turn the TPM on or off, and to use certain TPM functions.


ownership (n) -  The way a company or business is owned by the people who run it. Ownership (PN) -  A field which appears in the ‘Company Information' section of the default ‘Account' form.


ownership chain (n) -  When an object references other objects and the calling and the called objects are owned by the same user. SQL Server uses the ownership chain to determine how to check permissions.