J# - pronounced -CirJ sharp-€?, a programming language very similar to JAVA but implemented in the Microsoft .NET Framework; essentially a combination of Java and C#. J2EE (n) - An application server framework from Sun Microsystems, Inc., for the development of distributed applications. It includes all the previous Java APIs targeted for multitiered distributed enterprise information systems. The J2EE platform consists of a set of services, application programming interfaces (APIs), and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multitiered, Web-based applications.
JA East (PN) - The Eastern Japanese region within the Azure region taxonomy.
JA West (PN) - The Western Japanese region within the Azure region taxonomy. Jaarrekening (n) - The annual financial statement all business in the Netherlands must file with the chamber of commerce.
jabber - An error in which a faulty device (usually a NIC ) continuously transmits corrupted or meaningless data onto a network.
jack - A connecting device having springs which make electrical contact with mating contacts of a plug.-
Jailbreaking - the act of bypassing the App Store as a means for distributing applications after installing unsupported software.
Japanese yen (n) - The official currency of Japan.
Java (n) - An object-oriented programming language, developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Java - A programming language used to create small programs calledapplets, often to produce special effects on web pages.
Java - A high level programming language, developed by Sun Microsystems. Compiled Java code can run on most computers because Java interpreters and run time environments, known as Java VMs.- http://www.java.com
Java applet (n) - A small software program written in the Java language, a programming language that is used primarily on the World Wide Web. A Java applet is located within an HTML document and can be used to add to animation, music, page updates, etc.
Java development environment (n) - An integrated development environment for the Java programming language.
Java IDE (n) - An integrated development environment for the Java programming language.
Java integrated development environment (n) - An integrated development
environment for the Java programming language.
Java Virtual Machine (n) - The environment in which Java programs run.
JavaBean (n) - A Java component architecture defined in the JavaBeans specification developed by Sun Microsystems. A JavaBean, or Bean, is a reusable application component—an independent code segment—that can be combined with other JavaBean components to create a Java applet or application. The JavaBean concept emphasizes the platform-independence of the Java language, in which ideally a program, once written, can run on any computing platform. JavaBeans are similar to Microsoft's ActiveX controls.
ActiveX controls, however, can be developed in different programming languages but executed only on a Windows platform. JavaBeans can be developed only in the Java programming language but ideally can run on any platform.
JavaScript (PN) - A scripting language used to create interactive or animated content for the Internet, such as games or advanced financial applications.
Javascript - A set of program instructions, vaguely similar to- Java- but not actually related, written straight into the HTML of a webpage instead of as an applet.
JavaScript - A scripting language targeted specifically to the Internet. It is the first scripting language to fully conform to ECMAScript, the Web's only standard scripting language. Despite its name, JavaScript is not a derivative of Java; its origin is Netscape's Livescript language.
JavaScript API for Office (n) - A JavaScript API that provides simple and consistent programmatic access to Office documents and applications across Office client environments through common as well as application-specific data types, objects, functions and events.
JavaScript Object Notation (PN) - A text-based, data interchange format that is used to transmit structured data, typically in Ajax Web applications.
Jazz (n) - One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID # 8.
Jazz+Funk (n) - One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID # 29.
JCB (PN) - An international credit card company based in Japan or a term used to describe the brand of cards issued by JCB.
Jenkins (PN) - An open source server-based system providing continuous integration services for software development.
Jet engine (PN) - A client/server data engine that provides local data storage on a smaller computer system and that is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and prior.
Jewel Tones (PN) - One of the background colors on the Screen Saver Settings dialog box that consists of deep, rich, and glowing colors and reminds the viewer of gems (such as turquoise, amethyst, emerald, and rubies).
Jewish Religious Holidays (PN) - The list item in Outlook that allows users to add standard Jewish holidays to their calendar.
JFIF (n) - A means of saving photographic images stored according to the Joint Photographic Experts Group image compression technique. JFIF represents a common language' file format in that it is designed specifically to allow users to transfer JPEG images easily between different computers and applications.'
JIT (adj) - Pertaining to something that happens when it becomes necessary.
JIT compilation (n) - The compilation that converts Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) into machine code at the point when the code is required at run time.
JIT compiler (n) - A compiler takes the Java bytecode (which is machine-independent) and compiles it on demand into native code for the target machine, giving faster execution. Since JIT compilers operate on the client machine, they preserve the platform- independence of the compiled Java program.
JIT debugging (n) - A technique that catches faults that occur while the program is running outside the development environment. You must set this option in the development environment before executing your program.
Jitter - A slight movement of a transmission signal in time or phase, which can introduce errors and loss of synchronization for high-speed, synchronous communications. job (n) - A specified amount of processing performed as a unit by a computer. job (n) - A specified series of operations, called steps, performed sequentially by a program to complete an action.
job (n) - A series of business activities that when completed will fulfill a high-level objective.
job (n) - A customer service issue or problem reported by a customer and the activities that customer service representatives use to resolve it.
job (n) - A grouping of responsibilities, duties, and job functions that compose an activity. job (n) - An occurrence of an activity performed between specific start and end times and at specific locations.
job (n) - A request to run a runbook.
job card (n) - A mechanism to provide feedback about the production process. A job card lists the individual job numbers of a specific operation, along with actual consumption statistics.
job definition (n) - A persistent container that defines and stores instructions for a job to be run on a server, server farm, or server cluster. To run, a job must have an associated job definition, and a definition must be associated with a service or a Web application. job definition (n) - An XML file that maps a job template to a watch folder in which asset files to be transformed are input and output.
job description (n) - A statement of the essential responsibilities, duties, job functions, and requirements of a job.
job function (n) - One or more tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are assigned to a job. job group (n) - A series of jobs that perform a complex action in Virtual Machine Manager, such as performing a physical-to-virtual machine conversion. job history (n) - Log that keeps a historical record of jobs.
job ID (n) - A unique identifier that is associated to an employee's job.
job instance (n) - A job that is running or is queued to run through the Windows Assessment Console or Windows Assessment Services. job instance (n) - The occurrence of a job.
job manager (n) - A service that creates, submits, monitors, and manages jobs.
job manifest (n) - An XML-formatted file that contains Resource Description Framework
(RDF) metadata that describes the job for the tasks in a workflow.
job market pricing (n) - A method of determining compensation by comparing individual jobs to market benchmark data for similar jobs in order to identify a value-relative basis. With this method, a specific pay range is associated with an individual job, but not with a compensation level (grade or band). Job market pricing is a feature of broad-banding compensation structures, but not of grades or steps.
job object (n) - A system-level structure that allows processes to be grouped together and managed as a single unit.
job order costing (n) - A costing method that uses production orders to assign incurred production costs to specific jobs.
job processing (n) - A computing method in which a series of jobs, each consisting of one or more tasks grouped together as a computationally coherent whole, is processed sequentially.
job role (n) - The tasks and activities of an individual in a certain professional position. job schedule (n) - The optimal dates and times for performing jobs at a work center. job scheduler (n) - A system service that queues jobs and tasks, allocates resources, dispatches tasks to nodes in a computer cluster, and monitors the status of the job, tasks, and nodes.
Job Status Tracking window (n) - A window, opened by using the My Jobs command, that enables administrators to monitor detailed status of their current jobs while working in any view.
job template (n) - A template that is used to define and store instructions for a job. A job template can be used to run a job more than once.
job template (n) - An XML file that describes the sequence of tasks to be performed in a job.
job title (n) - A short description of the position held by an employee.
job type (n) - A classification of jobs based on the sequence in which they occur, from the time a job enters the work center to the time it leaves the work center.
Job Units (n) - The unit of measure to run Business Analytics jobs in Azure.
Jobs view (PN) - The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator views status, details, and results of jobs. The view can be filtered by job status, owner, and start date.
Joe job - an e-mail spoofing exploit in which someone sends out huge volumes of spam that appear to be from someone other than the actual source. A Joe job is sometimes conducted as an act of revenge on someone who reports a spammer to their- ISP- or publicly advocates anti-spam legislation.
Joe job, joe-job - Spam- email apparently promoting a website that actually has nothing to do with it, intended to get the owner of the website in trouble. join (n) - A connection between multiple tables where records from related fields that match are combined and shown as one record. Records that don't match may be included or excluded, depending on the type of join.
join (v) - To combine the contents of two or more tables and produce a result set that incorporates rows and columns from each table. Tables are typically joined using data that they have in common.
join (v) - To create an additional replica of an existing ADAM configuration set during setup.
join (v) - To connect one or more people together in a conversation.
Join (PN) - A UI element the user clicks to connect to a conference.
Join an Existing Conference... (oth) - An item on the Actions menu that adds the user to an existing conference.
join column (n) - A column referenced in a join condition.
join condition (n) - A comparison clause that specifies how tables are related by their join columns.
Join Conference option (n) - An optional function in integrated audio conferencing that enables Live Meeting to dial a participant's phone instead of requiring the participant to dial in.
join filter (n) - A filter used in merge replication that extends the row filter of one table to a related table.
join gesture (n) - A revision gesture that is used to remove space from between two words (join words).
Join Launcher (PN) - Part of the existing Lync Web App IIS web component. Lets users optionally join meetings by using a mobile device.
join line (n) - A line that connects fields between two tables and shows how the data is related. The type of join indicates which records are selected for the query's result set. join operator (n) - A comparison operator in a join condition that determines how the two sides of the condition are evaluated and which rows are returned.
join path (n) - A series of joins indicating how two tables are related.
join style (n) - A style that specifies how the ends of connected lines are joined.
Joining property (n) - A property of which the value for an entry in one directory can be expected to match the value of a given property of the corresponding entry in another directory.
Joint List View (PN) - A feature that allows a view to be created from multiple lists of stored data.
Joint Photographic Experts Group (n) - A raster graphics file format for displaying high-resolution color graphics on the World Wide Web. JPEG graphics apply a user- specified compression scheme that can significantly reduce the file sizes of photo-realistic color graphics. A higher level of compression results in lower quality, whereas a lower level of compression results in higher quality. JPEG-format files have a .jpg file name extension.
joke program (n) - A program designed to amuse or scare a user, for example by imitating the actions of a virus, without actually harming the computer.
Joomla! - a free, open source content management system written with PHP for publishing content on the world wide web and intranets using a MySQL database. journal (n) - For Message Queuing, a queue where journal messages are stored. journal (n) - A chronological list of transactions, in the form of debits and credits, for a particular account or group of accounts, such as sales or cash disbursements.
Journal (n) - The Tablet PC accessory that you use to create notes in your own handwriting.
journal (n) - A personal record of experiences, occurrances or proceedings, like a Baby Book or Life Book.
journal (n) - A register of original accounting entries.
journal (n) - A feature that tracks changes to NTFS volumes, including additions, deletions, and modifications. The change journal exists on the volume as a sparse file. journal entry (n) - An entry to a company account to record a business transaction. journal entry (n) - An item in the Journal folder that acts as a shortcut to an activity that has been recorded.
journal entry (n) - A record of the financial consequence an accounting event. journal entry adjustment (n) - An end-of-period journal entry that notes the accrued expenses, accrued revenue, prepaid expenses, and unearned revenue that are associated with an account for the period prior to the reporting period.
journal line (n) - An entry in a journal.
journal quota (n) - For Message Queuing, a property that specifies the cumulative limit for journal messages in a journal queue. The limit is based on cumulative journal message size. When a journal queue's quota is reached, messages are no longer stored. journal report (n) - The message that is generated when a message matches a journal rule. The body of the journal report contains information from the original message such as the sender e-mail address, message subject, message-ID, and recipient e-mail addresses. The journal report also includes the original unaltered message as an attachment. journal rule (n) - An Exchange rule that is used to record the e-mail messages sent to or from specific recipients.
journaling (n) - The ability to record all communications, including e-mail
communications, in an organization for use in the organization's e-mail retention or archival strategy.
journaling agent (n) - A compliance-focused agent that is configured to journal e-mail messages that are sent or received by departments or individuals in an Exchange Server 2007 organization, to and from recipients outside the organization, or both for use in the organization's e-mail retention or archival strategy.
journaling mailbox (n) - A mailbox used only for collecting journal reports in an Exchange Server organization.
journalize (v) - To record the financial consequences of accounting events in the subledger journal.
joypad (n) - An action-control device used with arcade-type games played on PCs and game consoles such as the Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation. A game pad, unlike a joystick, is meant to be held in the player's hands.
joystick (n) - A pointing device used mainly but not exclusively for computer games. A joystick has a base, on which control buttons can be mounted, and a vertical stem, which the user can move in any direction to control the movement of an object on the screen. JPEG (n) - A raster graphics file format for displaying high-resolution color graphics on the World Wide Web. JPEG graphics apply a user-specified compression scheme that can significantly reduce the file sizes of photo-realistic color graphics. A higher level of compression results in lower quality, whereas a lower level of compression results in higher quality. JPEG-format files have a .jpg file name extension.
JPEG Rotate (PN) - An Expression Media feature that enables the user to perform lossless JPEG image rotations of 90, -90 and 180 degrees.
JPEG rotation (n) - A method of changing the orientation of a JPEG image by rotating it by varying degrees. Rotation can be either lossy or lossless, depending upon your choice of rotation.
JPEG, jpg - (Joint Picture [Experts] Group; pr. ‘jay-peg') A standard type of compressed graphics file, widely used on the WWW. Particularly good for photographs. See also- compression.
JPop (n) - One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. Winamp genre ID # 146.
jQuery - a library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps. Often with jQuery you can write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code.- jQuery
jQuery Countdown - A jQuery plugin that sets a div or span to show a countdown to a given time.
JSON (PN) - A text-based, data interchange format that is used to transmit structured data, typically in Ajax Web applications.
JSP (n) - A technology created by Sun Microsystems to enable development of platformindependent Web-based applications. Using HTML and XML tags and Java scriptlets, JSP helps Web site developers create cross-platform programs. JSP scriptlets run on the server, not in a Web browser, and generate dynamic content on Web pages, with the ability to integrate content from a variety of data sources, such as databases, files, and JavaBean components. Web site developers can concentrate on design and display of a Web site without the need for application development expertise.
j-tube (n) - A feeding tube inserted surgically through the abdomen and into the jejunum (a section of the small intestine).
jumbo frames - Jumbo frames are large IP frames used in high-performance networks to increase performance over long distances.
Jump List (PN) - A feature of Windows that provide right-click access from taskbar program buttons to the documents, pictures, songs, or websites a user frequently accesses. jump list (PN) - A feature of Windows that provide right-click access from taskbar program buttons to the documents, pictures, songs, or websites a user frequently accesses. jump menu (n) - A menu that is structured as a drop-down list of options. When an option is selected, the user is redirected to the associated page in the drop-down menu. jump statement (n) - A statement that either transfers control immediately to another location in the function or returns control from the function. In C++, the jump statements are break, continue, return, and goto.
jump table (n) - A table of identifiers and addresses for a certain class of routines such as interrupt handlers (routines carried out in response to certain signals or conditions). jumper (n) - A small plug or wire that can be connected between different points in an electronic circuit in order to alter an aspect of a hardware configuration.
Junction (n) - In Process Engineering, the shape used to connect pipelines when one pipeline is split by another pipeline. The default junction shape is Junction. However, you can specify any shape on the document stencil as a junction.
junction (n) - A runbook activity that synchronizes multiple branches of a runbook. junction point (n) - A physical location on a hard disk that points to data located at another location on your hard disk or another storage device. Junction points are created when you create a mounted drive. You can also create a junction point using the linked command.
junction table (n) - A table that establishes a relationship between other tables.
Jungle (n) - One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID # 63.
Junior Detective (n) - Skill level in the Purble Place game. Once a Purble Place game is completed, a player gets a skill level rank assigned automatically by the game (based on number of guesses and hints during the game).
junk (n) - E-mail that a customer does not want delivered to their inbox, including spam and phishing messages (identified by the mail service) and messages from blocked senders and domains.
junk e-mail (n) - An unsolicited and typically unwelcome message, often commercial or political in nature, transmitted via the Internet as a mass mailing (sometimes as if from a fictitious user or domain) to a large number of recipients.
junk e-mail (n) - E-mail that a customer does not want delivered to their inbox, including spam and phishing messages (identified by the mail service) and messages from blocked senders and domains.
junk e-mail filter (n) - An e-mail filter that enables the user to set the strictness level that keeps junk e-mail from being delivered to their Inbox.
Junk E-Mail folder (n) - Page where users can store unsolicited advertisements and email messages.
junk e-mail folder (n) - The folder where junk e-mail is delivered.
junk e-mail protection (n) - A feature that provides options for automatically identifying and filtering out junk e-mail messages.
Junk E-mail Reporting Tool (PN) - The plug-in for Microsoft Office Outlook that alerts a user to incoming junk e-mail and lets the user delete the mail and report it to Microsoft with a single mouse click.
junk mail (n) - An unsolicited and typically unwelcome message, often commercial or political in nature, transmitted via the Internet as a mass mailing (sometimes as if from a fictitious user or domain) to a large number of recipients.
Junk Mail - Unsolicited email.
Junk Mail folder (n) - Page where users can store unsolicited advertisements and e-mail messages.
Jupyter (PN) - The spin-off project from IPython of the language-agnostic projects that began as part of IPython.
Just me (PN) - The UI label for a permissions setting that indicates an item is being shared with (made available to) no one. (It's private.)
Just My Code (PN) - A Visual Studio .NET debugging feature that allows the user to step through all the user-written code in the current project as well as in any referenced project, and skip over designer-generated code. Also, Just My Code affects breakpoints as well as stepping.
justification (n) - The process of aligning text along both the left and right margins. justify (v) - To adjust horizontal spacing so that text is aligned evenly along both the left and right margins. Justifying text creates a smooth edge on both sides.
just-in-time (adj) - Pertaining to something that happens when it becomes necessary. just-in-time compilation (n) - The compilation that converts Microsoft intermediate
language (MSIL) into machine code at the point when the code is required at run time. just-in-time compiler (n) - A compiler takes the Java bytecode (which is machine- independent) and compiles it on demand into native code for the target machine, giving faster execution. Since JIT compilers operate on the client machine, they preserve the platform-independence of the compiled Java program.
just-in-time debugging (n) - A technique that catches faults that occur while the program is running outside the development environment. You must set this option in the development environment before executing your program.
JVM (n) - The environment in which Java programs run.
Jython - an implementation of PYTHON based on JAVA. See- www.jython.org.