Q.76   Which of the following expressions is illegal?
(A)  ( ) 6 10 .  (B)  (false && true)
(C)  bool (x) = (bool)10;  (D)  float y = 12.67;  
Q.77  The actual source code for implementing a template function is created when
(A) The declaration of function appears.
(B) The function is invoked.
(C) The definition of the function appears.    
(D) None of the above.
Q.78  An exception is caused by

(A)  a runtime error.   
(B)  a syntax error.
(C)  a problem in the operating system.
(D)  a hardware problem.
Q.79   Which of the following statements are true in c++?

(A) Classes can not have data as public members.   
(B) Structures can not have functions as members.
(C) Class members are public by default.  
(D) None of these.
Q.80   What would be the output of the following program?
   int main()
   int x,y=10,z=10;
    x = (y = =z);
   return 0;

(A) 1  (B)  0
(C) 10  (D) Error

Q.81  What is the error in the following code?
   class t
   virtual void print();

(A)  No error.  
(B)  Function print() should be declared as static.
(C)  Function print() should be defined.  
(D)  Class t should contain data members.
Q.82   What will be the output of following program?  

void main()
float x;

(A)   4.5  (B)  4.0
(C)   4    (D)  5   
Q.83   A white space is
   (A)  blank space  (B)  new line
   (C)  tab          (D)  all of the above  
Q.84  The following can be declared as friend in a class   
(A)  an object  (B)  a class
(C)  a public data member  (D) a private data member
Q.85  What would be the output of the following?
   void main()
   char *ptr=“abcd”
   char ch;
   ch = ++*ptr++;

(A)  a  (B)  b
(C)  c  (D)  d
Q.86   A copy constructor takes

(A)  no argument    (B)  one argument
(C)  two arguments  (D)  arbitrary no. of arguments
Q87  Overloading a postfix increment operator by means of a member function takes 
(A)  no argument    (B)  one argument
(C)  two arguments  (D)  three arguments
Q88  Which of the following ways are legal to access a class data member using this pointer?

(A)  this.x    (B)  *this.x
(C)  *(this.x) (D)  (*this).x
Q.89  If we store the address of a derived class object into a variable whose type is a pointer to the
base class, then the object, when accessed using this pointer.

(A) continues to act like a derived class object.   
(B) Continues to act like a derived class object if virtual functions are called.
(C) Acts like a base class object.  
(D) Acts like a base class, if virtual functions are called.
Q.90  Which of the following declarations are illegal?

(A) void *ptr;  (B)  char *str = “hello”;
(C) char str = “hello”;  (D) const *int p1;